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The next morning, after cleaning up, we decided to return to the pub for breakfast.
"Holy shit Madison, this bag is so heavy, what did you bring?" I said complaining.
"Let me help you" Alex offered and Madison looked at us as if she had it all planned out. This little shit!

"Hi guys, do you know what to order yet?" said the waiter.
"I'll have a hot coffee please," I said first, without even thinking about it.
"Anne, if they bring you cold coffee, what do you do? Do you kick them?" laughed Caryl.

It must have been interesting serving a group of hangover friends.
"I got a message from Oliver, he needs me tomorrow night there's going to be karaoke night" Madison said.
"Karaoke? Oh my god we have to go girls! Please," I said excited, I love music and I love to have fun so what could be better than karaoke?
"Will you sing too?" asked Alex.
"Yes of course" I said happily.

After finishing breakfast, we were getting ready to go home:
"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom," I said.
"Guys, we need to go to karaoke night," said Alex.
"Yeah that would be a great idea and Oliver would love that. He wants me to bring other people," Madison said.
"Mads, I think Alex really wants to see Anne perform," Nick laughed.
"Anne wouldn't mind that," said Madison laughing.
"Please stop, I just love karaoke that's all" said Alex.

As I came back from the bathroom, I saw them all laughing except for Alex who was embarrassed.
"Hey is everything okay?" I asked confused.
"Oh yeah, let's go to the car," said Mads.

We said goodbye to the guys and Caryl starts the car
"Caryl my darling, you've finally had a lot of drinks!" I said teasing her.
"Shut up Anne, but tell me how was your night? I was drunk but I remember you and Alex talking the whole time," she replied.
"You guys are annoying, nothing happened, we were just talking," I said.
"Mh okay, I just wanted to let you know they're coming to the karaoke. Alex was excited to see you sing" Madison said.
"They're what? No no I'm not going to sing" I said in panic.
"Calm down Anne, they're our friends, what's the big deal?" said Caryl.
And she was right, what's the problem? Good question, I wish I knew...

"Girls I'm sorry to leave you like this but I'm dying of sleep, I can't wait to go to bed" Madison said as we entered the house.
"I'm going to bed too, I'm so tired" I replied.
As soon as I got into bed, I started to think back to last night and the things that Madison told me, everything was starting to make sense but I still didn't know how to handle these feelings because everything is new to me.

I'm not a very affectionate person, I seem to be made of ice and this makes me feel bad because I don't want that people think I don't want them around and I especially don't want Alex to think that. Okay Anne, that's deep....what's wrong with you?

With all these thoughts in my head, sleep fell faster and soon I fell asleep.

rock 'n love // alex turnerWhere stories live. Discover now