~DC #2~

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Batfamily: TV series

Okay, before I start, I want to tell you I came up with this in like 30 minutes just almost a hour ago so enjoy.  I know this isn't a fanfic story idea but cloud be turned into one.

Season 1: Will focus on Dick's origins and how He became Robin. Season ends with the scene where Dick calls himself Robin.

Season 2: Introduces Batgirl and Batwoman. It will focus on building Robin's and Batgirls dynamic while Bruce will need to find a way to control his cousin.

Season 3: Dick was Robin for right years and has doubt if he wants ti be Batman or his own persona. Batgirls meanwhile has a team with Black Canary. Season ends with Dick leaving the Wayne Manor.

The Teen Titans: the side series or a spinoff, which follows Dick's story of how he become Nightwing and Leader of Teen Titans. Season 1 mostly being how they the team was formed.

Season 4: Introduces Jason Todd and his origins and how he slowly becomes Robin, Barbara isn't pleased with Bruce's chocie to make a new Robin and Dick is jealous and angry (Since he still feels like Robin persona belongs to him, which he will learn to let go in Teen Titans S2) Through the Season, Jason gains trust of everyone. Seasons side Story Introduces Huntress.

Teen Titans S2: I'm not sure which villian should be in S2 Main atagonists but in this SEASON dick becomes Nightwing and at the end we are introduced to Deathstroke.

Huntress: Another side series but this one will only have one season based on Huntress: out for blood comic.

Season 5: Opens with Joker parlyzing Barbara. Which is just one of turning points in already complicated partnership Bruce and Jason have. The Season ends with Joker killing Jason in Ethiopia.

Teen Titans S3: The Teen Titans main enemy of the season is Deathstroke which they beat but He will return. Teen Titans decide to invite more heores to join the team

Season 6: Introduces Tim and his origins, who through the season tries to asure Bruce that he needs a new sidekick, being successful in the end. The side story follows Barbara facing with her own demons.

Teen Titans S4: Based on Teen Titans: Judas Contract which splits the team at the end after the fight. They maybe won but lost too much.

Season 7: Introduces Stephanie, Tim's Parents are killed. Basically Tim and Steph have family issues 24/7. The Season ends with Earthquake hitting Gotham

Season 8: based on Batman: No Mans Land comic. Will focus on first half of the comic's story. Introduces us to  Cassandra.

Season 9: No mans Land ends and Gotham returns to Normal. Huntress being finally approved by Batman after her heroic act.

Season 10: We follow Cassandra's and Stephanie's stories, Cassandra discovering what she wants to be and becoming Black Bat. Stephanie becoming Batgirl. Batman partly helping cass, Barbara helping Steph and Tim leaving for new Teen Titans

New Teen Titans S1: New Team is fromed with Tim being the leader this time.

Birds of Prey S1: 4th side series, Barbara becomes Oracle and teams up with Huntress and Black Canary. Main Kinda villians of the season are Gotham City Sirens. Girls fight!

Season 11: For the first time in the long time, Bruce is alone, with Nightwing showing up there and there. Bruce will have to face his Patt as he fights The Red Hood, his 2nd Robin, Jason Todd. Based on Under the Red Hood comic.

The Outlaws S1: Aftermath of Season 11 which follows Jason teaming up with Kory and Roy as they fight the criminal underground of the world.

New Teen Titans S2: The team gets Send into diffrent Earths after a fight with New uknown enemies. whole season focusing on them trying to return to their Earth.

Season 12: Introduces Damian, Bruce now has to Deal with the spawn demon for The whole season

Birds of Prey S2: Katana, Cassandra, Harley Queen, Blackhawk, Renne Montoya join the rooster as they fight the enemy which leader is... Oracle? Surley fighting their opposites

The Outlaws S2: follows the Story of the last season but in this one Roy sacrifices himself in the end to defeat the main atagonists. Aftermath of their batlle left the Power stühle in criminal underground.

Season 13: Focuses on Father-son dynamic as they have to face the Court of Owls, something like Batman vs Robin movie.

Season 14: Robin wars! Ends with all the Robins finally working like a family, disfuctional one still but finally they left they grudges aside.

New Teen Titans S3: The Power strugle which Outlaws made resulted with organization called Leviathan to take over. Titans knew they can't fight them alone so they call the old Titans to join them and help in the fight with Leviathan

The Outlaws S3: Jason forms new Outlaws with Artemis and Bizzaro as they fight the organization called Leviathan and stoppning them from relasing hell on Earth. When I mean hell, i mean real hell.

Birds of Prey S3: In this season, the team tries stop Leviathan from taking full control of the world biggest goverments. Teaming up with Gotham City sirens during the season.

Season 15: Leviathan wants kill Batman because he is the reason all this teams who are making him problems exist so they attack Gotham. Through the season all of the teams slowly team up thogehter. In The final episode, Batman was captured and defeated in a fight but before they could kill him, "Avengers Asemble" kind of scene happens with The Titans, Outlaws, Birds of Prey and Gotham City sirens face of the Leviathan in the Final fight which they win. After a battle, they all have huge dinner in Wayne Manor where Bruce propses to Selina and gives a speech about his life and after 25 years he will put down the cowl and Cassandra will become New Batman, and Damian her Robin. Last 15 minutes will be showing every charachter that was in the series and what they will be doing next. The final scene is Bruce talking to Alfred while standing on the Balcony overlooking Gotham. Bruce'a finals words are "World first met Batman, now World has the knights." the credits should be like ones in A: Endgame.

Maybe i could write if after my Brother of Robin book, what do you think guys?

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