1. The Good, The Bad, and The Slutty

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Shayde POV

I wake up and its 11:00. "Shit!" I curse under my breath. I have been late for the past week and all my teachers have been pretty pissed about that. I walk into the shower and take a 10 minute shower. I put on my black lace under garments. I put on a shirt with a skull hand showing the middle finger, black shorts with studs, a grey hang off beanie, some black studded bracelets, black earrings, some grey eyeshadow and mascara, and then I run a hand threw my wavy, black hair.

I run downstairs and grabbed my black combat boots. I see Anthony my twin brother, Alaina, and Aria my two younger sister's doors are open which means they left to school already. I grab a apple and hop onto my bike. I start it up and just cruise as I finally arrive to school. I roll my eyes at the principal as he gives me a disappointed look. I walk into Algebra and Mr. Maguire asks me for an explanation.

"I slept in late your just lucky I showed up at all." I retort.

"Please watch your attitude Ms. Evans." He sighs.

"You know what's the point of saying that if I don't even follow that rule?" I ask with a pointed look. I take my seat next to one of my friends, Cami, in the back. Cami's real name was Campbell but we just called her Cami. Anthony turns around to give me a scolding.

"Shayde you got to stop being late to class." He chastises.

"And you have have to stop being uptight." I reply.

"True." Cami agrees. I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes and turns around.

The door and opens and principal Moreno walks in with Ace following behind. No shocker there.

"Go take your seat young man." Moreno commands. Ace walks over to the teachers desk and sits in his spinning chair. "That is not your seat." Moreno says.

"It is now." Ace retorts.

"Mr. Stevens I don't need any of this right now." Moreno groans. He walks out of the room and Ace goes to his seat next to some blonde chick. Mr. Maguire gets back to the lesson.

"Now the answer for question 12 is?" He waits for an answer.

"Deez nuts." I say to Cami. We snicker.

"Ms. Evans why are you talking during my lesson?" Mr. Maguire asks.

"Why are you talking during my conversation?" I ask. The bell rings and Cami and I grab our stuff.
I walk into the cafeteria and take a seat with my friends Cami, Shailene, Leslie, Mckayla, Trinidad, Fisher.

"Hey" I greet them. "Anyone have 5 dollars?" I ask. Fisher hands me a five.

"Thank you Fish." I say. Fisher's real name was Madison but her last name was Fisher and that's what everyone liked to call her.

"Hey I'll be right back" I say standing up. I turn around and bump right into someone.

"Hey watch where your going you mof-" I stop when I see gorgeous blue eyes. "I-I'm sorry" I stutter. Damn what the hell is happening to me right now, I'm never like this.

"No it was my fault I wasn't paying attention." He says.

"Oh. I'm Tanner. Tanner Owens." He states with a smile. "I'm Shayde. Shayde Evans." I say as I smirk at him.

"You must be new" I say.

"Is it obvious?" He laughs.

"Aye Tanner over here" I here a familiar voice call out. Ace. Tanner looks at me with a sheepish smile.

"I'll see you around" I say.

"Wait. W-Would you like to hang out sometime?" He asks.

"Sure" I say and smile. I give him my number and he gives me his. I walk back to my table nonchalantly and quietly try to slip the number into my bag but its grabbed out of my hands. Trinidad looks at it and squeals.

"Oh my gosh Shayde your actually into someone! Holy Crap! Shayde Evans is actually-" I slap my hand over her mouth.

"Shhhhhh!" I say. Anthony then comes running to me.

"Hey Shailene, girls" He says and waves at her and the others. Shailene blushes and waves.

"Hey Anthony" She says.

"Today Ace, Tanner, and Tatiana are coming over to go swimming so I just wanted to let you know you can invite Shailene and some of your friends." He says quietly. I groan.

"Why Tatiana? Of all of Ace's bimbos why her?" I ask.

"I have to go bye Shayde." He says.

"Bye Shai" He calls out to Shailene. Wait? Why are they coming over?
A/N Okay so I deleted the other story because it was really crappy and all so I did a different one so tell me what you think and if you have any characters you would like to have me add just comment them thank you.

Don't forget to vote :p

Love Andy

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