16. Feelings...

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Shayde POV
I wake up and realize today is prom. Oh dear god. I wake up and grab my clothes. I grab a T-shirt that says Teenage Misfit, Skinny jeans, and my black Nike high tops, and my cotton and denim hoodie. I put in my ear buds and put on the song Centuries by Fall Out Boy. I blast the music and jog downstairs. I grab an apple and hold in my mouth as I gather my stuff and go get my skateboard. I head off to school and the girls are screaming about what we are going to do after school. I sigh as I see Ashlynn talking to Ace I watch as they are both smiling at each other as they talk. They finish talking and Ace goes to his friends. Ashlynn walks up to me and smirks.

"You know I think Ace is going to ask me out again. I knew he still loved me." She says with a smirk and goes back to her friends. I glare at her. I slam my fist into the wall which startled a couple of people. I walk off and go to my first class.

I unlock the door to the house as the girls make their way inside and upstairs with shoes, make-up, hair products and accessories, and their dresses. I follow them empty handed. I play on my phone meanwhile the girls get changed and do their make-up and hair.

"Okay! Now that we are done time to work on Shayde! We have two hours people let's get to work!" Shailene yells. Cami and Fisher lift me up off my bed and hand me my dress.

I lazily change out of my clothes and slip on the dress. They sit me in a chair and start on my make-up. First, Cami applied a dark shade of eye shadow to my entire eye lids, close to the lash line. She then blended the color upward to the crease. After she added a lighter shade of shadow under the eyebrow until it met the darker shade, then she blended the two shades together. She lined the inside of the bottom rim of my eyes with a eye pencil, and slightly smudged it for the effect. Shailene used a thick, black pencil, often called kohl,(I think) and lined the top my eyelids to complete the smoky look, and finished it with mascara. I open my eyes and the girls high fived each other. Fisher added some neutral colored lipstick and some blush. Mckayla pulls out a curling iron and whole bunch of hair products and starts doing my hair which then took an hour. She finished and I looked very different and we weren't finished. Trinidad handed me white rose earrings an one of the earrings had an ear cuff with a crystal heart and a chain connected to it. I put them in and Shailene hands me my shoes which are white pumps. I stand up and show the girls the full look. They smile and coo in awe. I blush and turn away. The doorbell rings and the girls and I go downstairs. Anthony is already at the door and opens it. The boys walk inside and see us they all have their jaws dropped and we do too. The guys look extremely handsome especially Ace. Wait? No! I can't. I walk towards and close his mouth by pushing his jaw up with my hand. He smiles at me.

"You look beautiful." He says to me. He has a corsage in his hand. He takes my hand and puts it on me. I smile.

"Thank you but I don't think I can say the same for you." I smirk at him. He laughs.

"Me and you both know that's not true." He grins and I laugh. We go outside and see a limo waiting for us. We get in and all of us are excited.


We get there and the gym has been transformed into a Paris theme. We all talk and dance a little. A slow song comes on and couples fill up the dance floor. I look around and then I see Ace except he's dancing with Ashlynn. My heart shatters. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Tanner looking at me with a sad smile. I smile sadly at him.

"You like him now. Don't you?" He says. I glance at Ace and Ashlynn. I turn back to Tanner.

"Yeah. I think I just realized I like him." I say.

"Go get him. Don't wait." He says as the song ends. Ace walks over to me with Ashlynn trailing behind. I smile at him.

"Hey-" I start but I'm cut off by the loud speaker.

"Now to wrap up the night we will announce your prom king and queen. They will also have the last dance of the night! Anyways your prom king and queen are... Ace Stevens and Ashlynn Wilson!" They announce my heart drops. This time they dance closer than the first dance. Tears form in my eyes. As soon as the dance ends I walk over to Ace.

"I have to tell you something." I say.

"Hey Ace can you take me home? I don't have a ride my friend left." Ashlynn says innocently.

"Yes. Of course. Shayde what was it you wanted to tell me?" He asks. I shake my head. I walk away not wanting to talk to him.

"Shailene can you spend the night?" I ask as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Oh my gosh what happened? Of course I will. Let's get home." She says. She goes to find Anthony and comes back with him. He looks at me and wraps an arm around me. He calls a cab and we all get in to go home.

I take off my make up and chance into joggers, a black sports bra, and a black hoodie. Shailene has some leggings and a plain white T-shirt. I explain to her what happened and she was very close to chopping off Ashlynn's head and Ace's balls. I laugh and she smiles.

"OK grab your car keys we are going to Ashlynn's house." She orders. I grab my keys and slip on my high tops. We jump into the car and drive to Ashlynn's. We stop a couple houses away. We make our way to the front door. I knock on the door and a lady in uniform opens the door.

"Hello. Can you tell me where Ashlynn and Ace are?" I ask.

"First door on the right." She answers. Shailene follows behind me. I see Ace and Ashlynn they are both leaning in towards each other slowly. I look at Shailene. I was about to run out of the house until Shailene pushes me into the room. They both jump apart.

"Ace?" I ask. He gets up. Ashlynn is extremely upset.

"Shayde? What are you doing here? Its almost midnight. Its not safe for you to be driving out." He says. I roll my eyes.

"I like you Ace. I really do like you. I just wanted to get that off my chest." I say quietly not making eye contact.

"Oh well. Get out." Ashlynn says in a hurry then she smashes her lips onto Ace's lips. My heart shatters for the second time tonight. Ace pushes her off. She pouts. Ace gets up and doesn't say anything. He grabs my hand but I pull my hand back. I run out of room and into the car. Shailene is in there already. I get in the passenger seat. Ace jumps into the backseat and I punch the dashboard.

"That was not cool, Shayde." He says.

"What?" I ask surprised.

"You don't just show up and pour your feelings out like that." He says.

"Well sorry for being fucking honest. Don't tell me what's cool and what's not. Sorry for fucking having feelings. " I say my voice breaking at the end.

"Fück off Ace." Shailene says. I get out of the car. Tears stream down my face. I open the door to the house. Anthony looks up from his lap top. He see's me. He gets up and hugs me. I hug back and cry.

"Shayde!" Ace yells running in but Anthony stops him.

"Don't. She has had enough bull shit for one night. Let her be." Anthony says in the over protective brother tone. Ace sighs and goes to his room and Anthony takes me to my room while Shailene and Anthony go to his room. I cry myself to sleep. Why does this hurt so much?

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