8. Let's just talk?

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Shayde POV
"Shayde." A voice says gently. "Shayde." It says again.

"I want to sleep." I whine. I open my eyes and look at Ace.

"Fight me." I say groggily. Ace smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"You would lose." He says.

"Try me, bitch." I say. I tackle Ace and I pin down both his arms. He easily flips us over and smiles. I pout and he gets off.

"About yesterday" He starts. I sit up and turn towards him. He runs his thumb across my split lip and sore jaw. I wince and he pulls his hand back. 

"So who were they and why do you owe them money?" I ask quietly. 

"They are a gang that I used to be a part of. Now they are the rival gang and you've already met my gang." He says and at first I'm confused but then realization sets in. I knew that Ace was part of a gang.

"I used to do underground fighting. I happened to have made a bet with them and the bet was I fight his best fighter and if he wins I give him 1 grand if I win he gives me 1 grand and stays out of my life for good. His guy cheated by using a knife and I didn't pay him because he cheated which brings us to now." I nod my head slowly. He pulls up his shirt slightly and shows the scar which I assume is where he was stabbed.

We sit there in silence. I wish I was able to pay that cost for my mom. My anger and sadness left in me starts building up.

"My mom could still be here right now. She could have lived if I were able to pay the fucking cost of the damn medical stuff!" I say quietly.

"Calm down. We can't do anything about it any more." Ace says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Just then thunder rumbles and I yelp while diving into the covers. 

I poke my head out. "Aw is the fiesty little kitten scared?" He says sitting next to me . I glare him. "What? You have that line down your nose like a kitten its actually really adorable." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Let's get some breakfast." I say. "Where's everyone?" I ask as we go down to the kitchen.

" Anthony took them to go visit your grandma because he thought you need some space." He says and I nod. I grab the pancake mix.

"How many pancakes do I need to make?" I ask.

"Probably about 12..." He says.

"What!?! Are you crazy-" I cut myself off as I see Jaxon, Xander, Camden, Alec, Ryder, and Tanner. "Oh okay I get it now." I say sighing. 

"You guys help me! Your not sitting on your lazy asses doing nothing." I say.

"We aren't doing nothing we are watching TV." Xander says.

"Therefore that is doing something." Alec states while smiling. I roll my eyes at all of them.

"Help me! Or you get nothing." I whine they sigh and get up.

"We want hugs first." Ryder smirks. I sigh and walk over to them and give them each a hug.

"Now let's make pancakes." I say and we start on the the mix. "You are all messy eaters." I say looking at them in disgust.

"No we aren't!" Camden says with his mouth full. I roll my eyes and turn on the TV, the movie Friday is playing. Then a weather alert comes on.

"They're is strong chance of a hurricane and tornado please make sure to board windows, have escape routes, and make sure you are clear of flooding. Have a nice day!" The news reporter says and it goes back to the regular show.

"Well then..." Ace says. He runs a hand through his hair and let's out a frustrated breath. 

"We should have a Netflix and chill session." He jokes. We all exchange glances.

"Okay I'll get the ice and call my friends over." I say. I invite my friends over and we get the popcorn, candy, soda, and chips.

"Okay first things first... Mckayla and Fisher get as many blankets. Cami and Trini get the pillows. Shayde, Lesly, and I will create the tent. We get to work.

-1 hour later-
"And Ta DA!" Shailene says. I sigh in relief. We finally finished after the 5th time we failed.

"This is really nice." I say. As we crawl inside. The boys follow after us.

Tanner turns to me.

"I just wanted to say sorry for being a dick. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I hope we can still be friends." He says. I nod and smile him.

"You girls did a nice job." Alec comments.

"Thank you." We reply in unison.

"Now what movie should we watch?" Leslie asks.

"Lion King?" Mckayla suggests.

"Yes!" I say.

"Okay then. Any objections? Nope. Cool." Camden says and starts the movie.

I'll follow you back(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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