12. The truth comes out

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Shayde POV
I awake wrapped in arms. Ace's arms to be exact. I shake him a little and he slowly wakes up. He smiles and I smile back. I get up and so does he. I quickly go to the kitchen and grab two air horns. I toss one to Ace and take the other one. I silently count to 3 and then we blow the air horns.

"Ahhhhhh! What the fuck!?!" They scream. Ace and I are laughing our asses off as the girls and guys glare at us.

"Run!" I yell. We take off running in different directions. I run into the back yard. I turn around and yelp as I see Cami, Trinidad, Jaxon, and Camden right behind me. Then I see Tanner, Xander, Fisher, Mckayla, Ryder, Lesly, and Alec who are all holding onto Ace. Camden lifts me over his shoulder and takes to the pool side. Me and Ace exchange a look. Suddenly we both hit the cold water and come up gasping for air. I choke on water. I glare them and they laugh. Me and Ace get out and bring our friends to go change. I give the girls some clothes to change into since we have school.

I change into some maroon shorts, a New York crop top, a baby blue flannel, and white converse high tops. I put my hair in a high ponytail and some eyeliner and mascara. Trinidad has on a black lace tube top, fade high waisted shirts, a floral sweater, and combat boots. Cami is wearing a tank top with black palm trees, ripped shorts, a black beanie, and some black vans. Lesly had a white, short sleeve crop top , with a red flannel around her waist, faded shorts,and black combat boots. Fisher had on a infinity love tank top, ripped high waisted shorts, mint green vans, and a headband. Mckayla had on a white muscle crop top, shorts, white converse, and a light pink knitted sweater.

We go downstairs and grab some breakfast. I go into the garage and find my old skateboards and hand them to the girls. We grab our bags and head to school. I look through my playlists of songs and decide on Fun by Pit bull feat. Chris Brown.
We go to our lockers then meet up at Shailene's locker because she had to tell us something.

"Anthony and I are dating." She squeals. We congratulate her.

"Finally! It were bound to happen sometime!" I say and laugh. We all lean against the lockers with a skateboard in our hand while we talk.

"Well isn't the loser squad!" Tatiana's shrill and annoying voice rings through the air.

"Oh! Tatiana are you lost? The strip club is that way!" Cami retorts. We laugh and high five her. Tatiana rolls her eyes.

"Shayde? Where's Ace did he finally realize your not worth his time? Just like your mother and father?!?" She says laughing. How the hell does she know?

"Don't talk about my parents!" I growl.

"Ohh did I hit a soft spot?!?" She smirks. "You can't say that that's not the truth! Especially about your dad!" She shrieks. By now crowd has gathered.

"Shut up! You know nothing!" Shailene says and I clenching my fists.

"Really?!? From what I know when you were born your dad cheated on your mom and got my mother pregnant so when you were 8 your dad left to my mom and me." She smirks. My eyes widen.

"Your mom was the 20 year old prostitute!?!" I yell.

"Excuse you!?!?!" She yells.

"Fuck off!" I yell. She lunges at me and I ram in to the lockers head first. I wince. I get up and she smirks. I punch her in the jaw. She gasps. She swings and misses as I dodge. She can't punch for shit. I punch her nose and I hear a crack as blood gushes from her nose. My friends pull me away as Ace and his friends come running over here.

"What happened!?!" Ace asks. Before I can speak Tatiana beats me to it.

"Shayde was upset and just started beating me up for no reason!" She cries. Her little bitch friends jump in.

" Yeah she just jumped at Tatiana."

"Shayde that's messed up! Especially for you." Ace says. Ouch. Something shatters in me.

"What the hell! I didn't-" I say but Ace cuts me off.

"Save it!" He says and helps her up. The bells rings for us to get to class. Cami, Trinidad, and me have the same first period. Cami and Trinidad pat my back.

"Don't worry you can explain to him later." They say. I nod blinking back tears. I take my seat in the class. I put my ear buds in and Ace comes back and looks at me and shakes his head. I sigh.

"Ms. Evans can you answer the question?" Mrs. DeVillez asks in her snobby voice.

I smirk. "No, no I can not." I say imitating her voice. She glares.

"Just because you have problems at home doesn't mean you need to bring them here! That is highly disrespectful!" She says.

"Highly disrespectful my ass!" I say bored. She points to the door.

"Not the first time." I say getting up and walking out the door. I walk toward the principles office. "Ah. Back again Ms. Evans." Mr. Moreno says. I sigh.

"Nah. I just decided to visit during class." I said sarcastically.

"Let me guess. Attitude got you here." Mr. Moreno asked.

"Ha. Well it sure wasn't for my kindness, I'll tell you that." I say. 

"Be careful Ms. Evans. Next time you end up here you will be benched from your game." He says. I nod. 


The bell for the end of 1st period rings. 

"Shayde!" I turn to see Cami, Trinidad, and Ace. I frown. 

"Someone has some attitude problems." Cami laughs. I shrug. I was annoyed to begin with. 

"Lashing out on everyone Shayde?" Ace shakes his head.

"That's rich coming from the bad boy." I retort. 

"Just because I'm 'bad' doesn't mean I don't have common sense." He says. I glare at him.

"Fuck off." I said. I start heading to second period.


I grab the new basketball uniforms and put them in my back pack. It was getting dark pretty fast so I had to hurry up. 

"Shayde?" A voice says and I see Ace. I roll my eyes and take off. "Shayde! Wait!" He yells. I hear footsteps. I look to see him running he smirks and I roll my eyes. I flip him off and go faster. I see the house coming up and then arms wrap around my waist and my board is lifted off the ground. I scream.

"Shh. It's just me." Ace says.

"Let go of me." I growl.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." He argues. 

"I don't need to tell you anything." I say. He shrugs.

"Looks like I'm carrying you." He says. 

"Fine, you wanna know?" I ask him. He nods.(WARNING: A LOAD OF SWEARING IN THE FOLLOWING) "Why in the fucking world would you fucking believe fucking Tatiana? Of all the fucking people in that room that witnessed it you believe Tatiana and her fucking cronies. What the actual fuck?" I yell. 

"Tatiana started talking shit about my parents and then I come to find out her mom was the chick my dad left us for. She pushed me head first into the fucking lockers and I fought back in self-defense." I yell. By the end I'm breathing very fast.

"Shit." He says running a hand through his dark brown hair. He wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you." He says. I hug him back.

"It's fine." I said. "Let's go inside." 

A/N This was one of my longest chapters. Update again soon

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