Chapter 10 - It Was Day, But It Was Night.

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In Space...

Drishti's POV

"Goooooddddddddddd Morninggggggggg Drishtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!"

Stretching my arms, I sprang out of my bed after having a satisfying serene sleep. I hopped and approached the most adjacent porthole.

After scrutinizing keenly, I could see an extraordinarily huge star scintillating brightly. Was it some planet?? Floating in the air, I arrived near the telescope which was implemented into my spaceship already.

At least brush your teeth!

Shut up!

You stink!

Thank You so much, dear. Moreover, I am alone on this spaceship. Soooooo, it doesn't matter.

I adjusted the telescope and viewed through it and you won't believe it was... The gas giant!!! Though it looked different if we look at it with naked eyes.

 The gas giant!!! Though it looked different if we look at it with naked eyes

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I missed Mars...

But also I crossed The Main Asteroid Belt?!! Van Allen Belt?!! And many more belts??!!

Partyyyy timeeee!!

I was departing at a speed that was impossible to imagine. The numbers would drive you nuts.

I hopped back to the same porthole and grinned at that bright star aka Jupiter. As I averted my gaze from it, I saw all the other stars twinkling brightly in the gloomy sky. 

Here, it was, like, you won't have a consciousness of you are moving, but you are actually traveling at a really high speed. It felt as if my spaceship was standing calm, everything seemed to be stopped, but it was not the fact.

The time differed here from that of on the Earth. I could not see the earth anymore. It was as if the sea of stars was stretched until the eyes could see.

I felt all alone. It was really challenging to believe. For a second I felt if I should reverse my spaceship and go back to earth again but then actualized that all the people serving in ISRO have put their 100% in it, and if I go back on Earth now, toh joote padenge mere upar...!

But I am definitely not going back because I know, somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

Staring at the Earth when I was in its orbit, the only thing that I realized was, I was nothing in front of that earth. I was just so small when I was orbiting it. I discovered that sometimes you have to go really high to understand how small you really are.

I swayed my head and gazed at the stars. I can stare at them all day long. The space had a shade of purple and royal blue mixed unusually.

 The space had a shade of purple and royal blue mixed unusually

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