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After stopping by a bakery shop to ease the hunger pangs, I proceeded to head towards the address written on the slip of paper. Pacing through the streets, I settled in front of one of the rows of houses that was no doubt a place for the wealthy to dwell. 

Double-checking the address to that on the paper, I headed towards the front porch before knocking on the door.

"Yes? May I help you?" A woman who seemed to be in her late fifties, greeted me as she held a confused expression.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you," I dipped my head. "My name is Ava and I'm from Estelle. May I know if this is the premise of Mr. Hugo Montague?"

"Yes, it is. May I know what this is all about?"

"That's great!" I exclaimed, ecstatic that that was the end of my 'detective' work. "It's actually about the upcoming Crimson Solitaire Exhibition. Mr. Crosby would like to extend his partnership with Mr. Montague for the design."

"Ah, I see." The hesitancy in her voice signaled that this job may not be a smooth-sailing one.

"Is it alright if I have a word with him?" I inquired, hoping that she would at least allow me to get the message across.

"I'm so sorry, dear. But could you wait for a little while?" She asked politely with a little distress written all over her face.

"Uhm, sure!" I replied, not wanting to sound too pushy and forceful. As the door closed once more, I was left standing outside on the front porch, entertaining myself with the flowers grown on the lawn. It was no doubt that whoever planted those was one possessing a gifted pair of green fingers.

Those thoughts ended when the smashing sound of glass could be heard, prompting me to return my attention to the closed door. As if on cue, the door opened once more to reveal the same haphazard-looking lady.

"Are you alrig-"

"I apologise but Mr. Montague would not be seeing anyone." She interjected.

I look forward to your failure, Ava!

His words repeated like a broken recorder in my mind as I pondered on if fart-face knew that this was going to happen.

Sorry lady, but I won't take 'no' for an answer.

"Please, just let me speak to him. I may lose my job if I don't seal this deal." I pleaded, mustering the best set of puppy eyes that I trained over many years whenever I wanted something from my parents.

The lady, who seemed as though she was backed up against the wall, let out an exasperated sigh of defeat. "Alright." She said, stepping out of the way before guiding me into the house.

This place was no doubt adorned with fancy-looking furnishings that screamed how poor was I. Yet, despite how sophisticated it appeared, I could not help but feel a void and solemn aura that enwrapped this home.

"Follow me." I soon found myself descending up a flight of stairs before coming to a halt as I stood in front of a room. "He's in there. Good luck." Her soft smile spoke of one that had seen too much sorrow before she descended the stairs. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my attire before knocking on the door.

Here goes nothing.

Upon entering, the foul and sour smell that filled the air hit me like a train. The room was absent from all light except a slither of it that successfully slipped through the gap between the curtains, highlighting the dust that flew within that spot.

Dodging the emptied bottles of liquor and rubbish that littered the floor, I gingerly made my way across the room to the man that sat slouched on the floor, with a beer in his hand and long hair that shielded his face.

"Mr. Montague, my name is Ava and I'm from Este-"

"I know who you are. But I am not interested in the business you have with me." His deep voice perpetuated the room, sending shivers down my back as he spoke as one of authority. But I was not afraid. Somehow, he looked wounded and in pain.

He looks like me....

"Mr. Montague," I pressed, walking closer to him until I knelt beside him. "I apologise if I have intruded your privacy but with my job at stake, I will not take 'no' for an answer."

This earned nothing but silence from him as I patiently waited for his reply. After what seems like a few minutes, I dropped my head in defeat, knowing that this conversation was not going anywhere.

Out of the corner of my eye, something caught my attention. A porcelain picture frame that had been placed face-down, with its sides smashed; leaving sharp edges exposed. A sudden need to pick up the picture frame surged through me as I delicately grasped it in between my fingers, careful not to touch the sharp corners.

And there it was, the picture of a couple. A woman who had her arms wrapped around the man's neck with her cheek pressed against his. Her beautiful locks of hair dropping to the man's shoulders while he was seated on a chair, his hands clasped over the woman. The joy written on their faces spoke as that of a couple who was very much in love.

"Don't touch that!" He yelled before snatching the picture frame away from me.


I winced in pain as the shard cut through my skin, dragging a short distance to form a small gash. It wasn't long before the warm liquid oozed from my right palm.

"Get out of here! Get out!" He hollered, with his eyes fixated on the picture frame. Not wanting to add any more fuel to the fire, I muttered a quick apology before rushing out of the room.

"Is everything alright?" The flustered-looking lady questioned, probably because of all the commotion. Withholding the pain, I forced a soft smile and nod.

"I apologise on his behalf if he has said anything mean to you. But I assure you that this is not his true nature." She explained, in hopes of alleviating whatever tension there previously was.

"I understand," reassuring her that I was not at all insulted by his behavior. "I hope I didn't get you into any trouble, ma'am."

"You didn't, dear. And please, call me Martha." She said while escorting me to the door.

"If it's alright, Martha, I would like to visit again tomorrow. Would that be alright?" Afterall, it would be too soon to back down just because of that one event.

Her furrowed brows were of enough evidence that Martha was having a battle of thoughts between agreeing to disagreeing with my request. The look of worry seems to speak of an issue way bigger than anyone could fathom.

"Okay." Her sudden reply took me aback. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Ava." With her hands clasped in front of her.

"Right...see you soon."

Waving my goodbye, I made my way out of the vicinity and headed back to office, with tons of work awaiting my presence. 

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