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The jazz and soft clatter of utensils against the plates, the atmosphere exuding a certain richness and class, prepared me for the big reveal on the price tag as we settled at our table. A posh and well-polished table marble table paired with a vintage-designed chair; comfortably cushioned with ample space.

"So, Ava, Nate. When's the happy day." Hugo questioned with his mouth full.

"PFTTTT!!!" The water that had barely quenched the thirst from my lips, spewed sporadically out once again. This time, across the table and barraging onto Nathan's face. The moment of absolute silence and shock, quickly turned into a burst of laughter, with Hugo going on a hysterical cackle and Timothy, in a miserable attempt to suppress his by taking a sip of water. Meanwhile, Nathan looked anything but happy.

"Mmm yes. Very hilarious." He said coolly, with a straight face as he unfolded the napkin neatly placed on the plate, wiping the water mixed with saliva and bits of food off his face.

"We aren't, but you can be sure that it won't be too long before that happens. Don't you think so, darling?" Nathan rested his head on the palms of his hand while twirling the food with his other, a smirk hanging evidently. Unlike before, I was growing immune to his teases.

Fine. Two can play at this game.

"Well, you wouldn't be seeing the grey hairs on my head if you aren't always delaying on that proposal, sweetie." This earned a look of disapproval from Hugo as he shook his head, sending it towards Nathan's way.

"If that's the case, I wouldn't mind getting down on one knee right now, babe."

"Then maybe you should." The conversation that played between Nathan and I brought about a stillness as soon as I retaliated his statement. Not one of us had a spoon or forkful of cuisine in our mouth as we awaited Nathan's reply. In fact, I was curious as to how Nathan would respond.

I drew back a gasp as soon as Nathan rose from his seat, buttoning and straightening his coat before looking me in the eye. I stole a side glance towards Timothy and Hugo; they too, gawked at Nathan inquisitively, eager to see him get down on his knee.

"Please excuse me. I have to go to the washroom." Nathan informed politely, a clear sign of defeat and embarrassment around him. Meanwhile, the satisfaction from that huge victory lit me up like a Christmas tree in December. It was no doubt that the two other men were enjoying the banter.

"You two remind me so much of Blaire and I." Hugo said. Though not as much as before, there was still a tinge of solemness in his voice. In return, I gave Hugo a soft smile, hoping that it will convey the comfort he needs.

"By the way, how did you come to know Nathan?" I asked, a question that had been lingering at the back of my head ever since they addressed each other with such informality.

"Nathan is Blaire's-"

"Cousin." Nathan strode back to the table, finishing Hugo's sentence. "She took care of me when my parents were at work. You could say that she was like a sister to me. It wasn't until later when she introduced me to Hugo."

"That's right." Hugo replied, "but enough about me. How did the two of you meet?"

"She bumped into me. And she didn't apologize until she knew my identity." Stuffing the last piece of chicken into my mouth, I chewed quickly, not wanting to let Hugo be led away by the nonsense spouting from Nathan.

"Actually, it's the other way around, Hugo. He bumped into me. If I might add, this big-headed bloke thought that I was hitting on him." I blurted. "Besides, thanks to the company's non-disclosure policy, how would I know of your appearance when I've just started work?"


"What?" Nathan replied, feigning innocence. Rolling my eyes, I dabbed the napkin on my lips.

Lunch ended quicker than expected. Removing the napkin from his lap, Timothy stood and announced his leave. "Would you have a need for the car?" He asked, speaking just above a whisper.

"No. I'll see you later." Timothy gave a nod and expressed his thanks to Hugo for the meal before exiting the building, leaving the three of us seated and prepared to put all jokes aside, paving the way for the business talks.

"I'm aware that the exhibition is to be held on the 15th of next month, yes?" Hugo stated, verifying the details for the event.

"Yes, and the earnings from the auction for the Crimson Solitaire will be divided 20-80. Further details on the collaboration will be sent over to you." The professionalism and authority Nathan possessed, gave me a fraction of an insight pertaining to his experience.

"Understood. But there are just two things that I'd hope you would grant." Nathan's ears perked up, curious about his request. "The first. I would like to forfeit whatever earnings intended; to aid the children of the orphanages and single parents. The second, would be the working location. I would much prefer that I work in the comfort of my home. Even if it's just a little bit, it would give me consolation from the past."

The pregnant pause led me to think about the possibilities of Nathan's take on rejecting his requests. It seems justifiable to donate 20% of his share to the orphanages and single parents but having him work at home in designing the Crimson Solitaire, was indeed a little too much. Afterall, it was a matter of security. It would turn the exhibition into a mess if the prime jewel was missing.

"Alright, if that's what you wish, I'll allow it. But only if you can guarantee the safety of it and have someone you trust to take care of the final product." The seriousness in Nathan's tone told me that he must have considered the risk of constructing the pieces of jewelry away from the safety nets of Estelle.

"And that's where Ava comes in."

"Me?" I questioned, baffled at his sudden mention of my name.

"Yes. Since Martha isn't getting any younger, Timothy is busy sorting arrangements with other clients of the company, the next person I trust is none other than Ava. She will be the liaise between you and me. When I'm finished with the design, I will send for her to retrieve it from me. Is that okay?"

As compared to the previous request, Nathan took a longer time to give Hugo his reply. I had no qualms being the delivery person from point A to B, but what I didn't understand was his scowl that was cleverly hidden from Hugo, an expression that was masked off as someone who was deep in thought.

"Okay." The subtle reluctance brought me to my attention, pondering if he was perhaps, worried for my safety.

"Great! Then I'll be waiting for the documents and the jewels to be sent." Hugo exclaimed. It was clear that after two years of break, he was excited to finally dive back into his passion. After the payments were made, we waited by the taxi stand as Hugo hailed for a cab that had arrived swiftly.

"Thank you for the lunch, Hugo." I thanked, expressing my appreciation for his act of kindness.

"No. Thank you, Ava. I'll be seeing you soon." Hugo said, "You too, Nate. I look forward to working with you."

Once we have exchanged our goodbyes, Hugo promptly got into the cab, leaving Nathan and I by the stand, watching the taxi immerse into the swarm of vehicles. I walked away, only to have my arm grabbed by Nathan who looked at me as if he was a child, afraid that he would lose his mother in a crowd.

"Where are you going?" He questioned, his eyes looking terribly lost.

"To the bus stop?"

"Oh, okay." Sighing, I shook my head. Although it would be ideal to hitch a taxi back, it was a more expensive option, and I wasn't going to squander my weekly expenses on transportation.

"Haven't you taken the public bus before?" Nathan and I were now walking side-by-side. By the looks of it, it gave me a peculiar feeling that he was new to all these.

"Never." He replied, feeling proud of his answer.

Not letting the opportunity of teasing him go, I gently nudged him against his ribcage. "Gee, what a spoilt kid."

"There's always a first time for everything, Ava. And today is going to be the day where you teach me how." 

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