What's the matter, Lovi?

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"Stop asking me what's wrong! I'm perfectly fine..!" Lovino shouted as his younger brother flinched.

Feliciano huffed and folded his arms across his chest.

"But big brother, something is obviously bothering you because you've hardly touched your pasta..!" Lovino sighed and turned his head to the side.

"Fine.. I've been feeling weird lately.. Like someone's watching me, you know..? Do you think I'm going crazy..?"

Feliciano tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, "Hey, now that you mention it.. I've been hearing strange bird noises as well.."

Lovino sighed and took a sip of his water. "Whatever it is, it's freaking me the fuck out..!"

Meanwhile, the culprit was pondering to his little friend, the reason for the strange noises.

"What should I do, Gilbird.. What happened to those letters I gave for you to send to Lovi huh?" He pouted as the bird only tweeted softly in response.

"My god.. How about I do them myself huh..? Next time in school.."

The bird flapped it's wings as Gilbert smiled, he caressed the birds head with his hand.

"What would I do without you my little friend."

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