That stupid flashback.

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Lovino sighed, "I told you not to say that word, Feliciano." Feliciano tilted his head, he looked down then at Lovino again, "I know Fratello.." Lovino gave an irritated glare towards his younger brother, "Then why did you say it, you dummy." Feliciano sighed, "Because.. I thought you were over it.. That incident was a long time ago.. You need to let it go, you were too young anyway.. She was also too old for you." Lovino remembered that day.. Where he was rejected.

"Bella! Bella!" A little Lovino shouted as he ran up to a young woman, she giggled softly, "Yes little one..?" Lovino swallowed as he opened his mouth,he closed his eyes and said very bravely, "I-I like you!" His face started to glow bright red, he confessed his feelings after six months of practicing, but, the woman only laughed. "Aww Lovino~! I like you too! But, I'm too old for you." she smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek, "I'm sorry, buddy." Lovino's eyes began to blur as tears formed in his eyes. He stepped back away from her and turned away where he ran towards his house, she called out his name but Lovino chose not to listen, for he was heartbroken.

Lovino shook his head, that awful memory had appeared in his mind once again. He closed his eyes very tightly as he mumbled a few words. Feliciano sighed and hugged his brother, "Sorry for bringing that up Fratello." Lovino hesitated in hugging back, so instead he just let his arms fall to his side as his brother hugged him. "It's fine." Feliciano smiled, "Alright. Hey, would you like to get some gelato? It'll be my treat~!" Lovino huffed, "Sure.. Whatever." Feliciano happily cheered as he let go of his brother. He grabbed Lovino's hand and off they went to go get some gelato.

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