I'll try to win your heart.

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"There he goes again.. Gorgeous as ever.. Those emerald green eyes.. I could stare at them all day... Beautiful brown locks of hair.. I just want to run my fingers through them.. If you were mine... I'd keep you away from everyone else.. You're precious.. You are to be treasured.. My soon to be love.." Gilbert bit his lip. He fantasized about holding him close, telling him how much he loved Lovino, planting kisses on his cherub like face. He wanted to intertwine his lips with his. They'd have cute little arguments over who would win in a football match. Germany or Italy. But.. He can't do that right now.. Because Lovino isn't with him.. He felt very frustrated.. Lovino was a very tough nut to crack..

How could he get Lovino to fall for him? Well... He had this crazy idea where he falls in love with his little brother, Feliciano. He'll try to make Lovino jealous by giving alot of attention to Feliciano. But.. What Gilbert doesn't know is that Lovino hates attention.. A lot.

~With Lovino.~
Okay.. Well maybe Lovino had one friend.. His name was Antonio Fernandez Carriedo.. He was a very good looking guy.. Well of course.. He's a Spaniard and apparently he has the ass of a god.. According to some girls in the school.. Anyway he usually hangs around Lovino. Why? Well he thinks Lovino is cute. But he already loves somebody.. I won't tell because it's a secret~ Want a hint..? Eyebrows....

"What a boring ass lunchtime.. It's bad enough that I have this imbecile with me whose not even paying attention to me." He turned his head towards Antonio who was talking to a bunch of girls. Lovino sighed in annoyance "Why am I even friends with him..?" Lovino thought to himself "He's busy with his 'Whores'.. Geez.. Don't they ever give up, it's not like he'll ever date them.. I mean.. How many times have they spread their legs for anyone..? Probably a thousand times.. Yeah.. That's right... Pfft.. Bitches.." He chuckled. "Hey Lovino!" Lovino sighed "Oh no..." It was his younger brother, Feliciano. "Hey Feli.. What do you want..?" He folded his arms and looked at his younger brother, "I just think you need you someone! You know.. To love..." Lovino shot a glare at Feliciano. Feliciano shrunk, it was that glare that always frightened him. Lovino looked away, "Sorry Feli.. I just.. Hate that word.." Feliciano tilted his head "What word..?" "That word you said.. Love." "Uh..? What about it?" Lovino looked at his brother again, there was a long silence then Lovino said: "That word is disgusting."

((Well yeah.. I'm not good at writing.. Sorta.. Anyway.. I hope you enjoyed that. Sorry I finished it like that.. I'm lazy..))

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