Soon, my darling!

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Meanwhile, during that whole ordeal; a figure was watching on from the distance staring intensely at the sight before him, his crush had looked sad which also made him sad. Gilbert sighed and scratched the back of his head before jotting down a couple of notes in a journal he kept with him.

"As far as I can see, Lovi is a tad bit.. Let's just say.. Sensitive to certain things, so I must make sure to think before I speak." He nodded to himself and finished writing down what he needed to remember for future references.

Gilbert got up off of the ground, dusting himself off while also picking his things up from off the ground.

He strolled down the street, eventually sitting down at a bus stop to rest for a bit, he quietly sang a sweet tune. As he was doing so, he hadn't noticed a certain boy who was staring, mesmerized. His little curl bounced as he bobbed his head while Gilbert sang.

Gilbert's voice was quite raspy but the boy liked it.

His violet eyes had shone as he showed interest in Gilbert's singing. The boy felt as if he should sing along as he recognized the tune, he was about to open his mouth but was stopped. The Albino man had gotten up to continue on with his walk back to his home. The boy frowned and sighed.

"Well Mr Kumajirou... He was quite h-handsome right..?" He blushed as he thought about the Albino.

The little bear had looked up, "Ehh..? Who are you?"

"I'm your owner remember... Matthew.."

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