How it all started..

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Gilbert Beilschmidt was a very handsome man, he was tall and he had beautiful red eyes, all the girls were head over heels for him even boys, he was so gorgeous, nobody could resist. Well.. Except for Lovino Vargas, Lovino would shut himself away from the world he wasn't quite fond of Gilbert. He thought of Gilbert as a very egotistical man with followers who only follow him because of his looks. Lovino was handsome as well but.. He would shut out any person that would even dare try to compliment him. He hated the attention, he didn't like the thought of people following him wherever he went. That is what bothered him most, he wondered how Gilbert could handle all that...

Lovino sighed. He was sitting under a tree reading a book in his favorite park..Alone... As always.. He would watch people pass by, laughing,chattering and blubbering. He'd laugh along quietly.. Also.. Couples would stroll past holding hands, telling each other how much they'll never leave.. "Stupid." Lovino would say. He didn't exactly like the term "Love." He never even believed in love.. "Love is just stupid. It never lasts.." He inhaled slightly. "Its not real.. None of it is.. Love is fake."

"Huh?" He turned his head towards a girl who was panting heavily.
"Oh. Hello Holly." He smiled slightly
"I.. Have something to.. Tell you.." She said in between breaths.
"What is it..?"
"W-Well.. It's something I've been meaning to ask you for a few months.."
"Hm..? Come on.. Spit it out.."
"I.. Uhh.. I wish to be with you!" Her face lit up like a light.
This wasn't the first time someone asked him out. But simply he responded with the same answer he gave every person...
"I'm sorry. But I've got my eyes on somebody else."
"Okay." Her voice shaked. "Im sorry for wasting your time." She turned away with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry." He says. "But I love someone else."

"Lovino Vargas. You will be mine."

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