Here, Kitty

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This is soon considering that I just posted a one-shot couple days ago (If you don’t see that one   that’s because it was made private by wattpad. Too dirty) but the mind wants what it wants—sexy time. 

This is a request by that little freak up there ;P. She writes in third person a lot so I thought I’d give it a try and with this one-shot I thought it would be a better POV for this particular one. Enjoy!


            Fagan finally noticed that it was considerably dark outside. That struck a fear in him and he quickly gathered his things, stuffed them in his backpack and started running the second he was outside of the library. He was worried about Tootsie since he has never been away from her this long before. The cold December wind beat against his pale Irish skin as his breath formed puffs of clouds in the air with each exhaling breath.

            Fagan reached the brick building that stood five floors tall with his apartment on the fifth one. He hurriedly shuffled for his keys in his pocket, which was difficult since he was in such a hurry he didn’t bother to put gloves on or protect his fingers from the blistering cold. He had the key in his hand but he barely felt it as he opened the door. Yes, his hands were that cold.

            He pushed the button for the elevator and when the door didn’t open after a few seconds he growled and dashed for the stairs. He was so worried about Tootsie his mind would only ease if he saw her.

            “Tootsie!” He called, entering his apartment. “Tootsie! Where are you baby? Here, Kitty.” Fagan was panicking inside but he wasn’t ready to give up just yet. He started making that swooshing sound, so much like the wind that his kitty answered to. Nothing. 

            He called her in every room he went to in his apartment and hadn’t heard a sound from her. He was on the verge of tears when he couldn’t find her. It’s pathetic but Tootsie was the only friend he had in America. He hadn’t cared much about making friends. He didn’t care much about having a social life. He cared about his education. Being born into a life of mostly nothing motivated him and gave him a determined personality to achieve something, to be something. So f*ck a social life. He had more important things he had to focus on. He wouldn’t mind getting a good f*ck once in awhile though. It would help him release some stress.

            Fagan checked the windows next to make sure they were closed and Tootsie hadn’t sneaked out. F*ck! He thought. He didn’t know what to do first. Thinking fast, he grabbed his keys and was about to walk out the apartment to search for Tootsie but a knock on the door had him pausing in his step. He never had visitors. Fagan doubt his neighbors even know he existed.

            He looked through the peep hole to see who it was, the person’s back, however, was turned. Fagan knew who it was though; he’d recognize those broad shoulders anywhere. Those shoulders that he imagined clinging on to as the man drove his d!ck deep inside him. He shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts. He had to find his kitten, not think about his fantasies. 

            Sighing, he opened the door and the man turned around. Fagan felt a lump formed in his throat. The man had his beautiful white furred blue-eyed Persian kitten cradled in his arms. He was stroking the middle of her head. She loved that. Fagan wondered how the man knew how to do that. Maybe it was kittens in general who like that. 

            “Hey, Fagan. I’m Shay, I’m guessing this fluffy kitty belongs to you?” Shay handed the kitten to Fagan. Fagan couldn’t say much, he was happy to have Tootsie back. He didn’t even wonder how Shay knew his name or his apartment as he cradled her in his arms and brought her up to nuzzle against his cheek and neck. He didn’t care how crazy he looked showing affection to his kitten. “I fed her for you.” Shay said as he rubbed her belly.

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