This Is How We Met

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This is dedicated to that wonderful woman, Viv. She's really supportive and she's a great writer. Everything about her is inspiring and she's very ambitious. Even though I don't know her well and we've never met before I can tell that by reading her profile and by every conversation we've had. She's very funny and she blushes a lot which is adorable. She's a real sweetheart and easy to talk to. She's just all around wonderful and kind! Thanks Viv! I really hope you like this or whatever others i'm going to write.

See the thing is guys. I've been having these ideas in my head and it's really hard to focus on my other works with these swarming my mind like bees. So i figured, why not just do a one-shots of my ideas and get them out of the way, eh? I hope you guys like these! and if it's too naughty let me know. I don't know if i'm going to take suggestions but pitch your ideas if there's something you'd like to see and want me to write. If I like it we can see where we go from there. One Love. P.S Do you know how many times I had to edit this shit because it was too explicit and was private automatically?

Laser light of many colors shine through the dark room casting an extraterrestrial glow on the beautiful faces in this room.  The loud booming music echoing off the walls as sweaty bodies grind against each other. Some of the men were shirtless and I would be a liar if I said I didn’t look at the beautiful bodies dancing in front of me.

            “Can I get you a drink?” An eyeliner-wearing guy asked me. I politely shook my head no and continued through the dance floor.

            Suddenly, there were two hands on my ass and I was sandwiched between two guys. I froze.  Now I was feeling two bulges, one on my ass and the other grinding is erection on my crotch. Thinking about something like this happening to me usually turns me on to the maximum extent. The maximum extent meaning I’m teasing my own nipples and dipping my hands in my boxer briefs. I danced my way from between the two guys and went to the bar to order a drink.

            “Haven’t seen you here before,” A sexy voice whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. Turning my head to the right where the voice came from, I saw the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He noticed me checking him out and smiled at me.

            Looking away briefly I smiled then turn my attention back to him. “I haven’t been here before,” I admitted.

            “Hmm, you don’t seem like the kind of guy I’d find at gay club.” He seemed to be really confused as to why I’d be in a gay club. He doesn’t even know me.

            “I can say the same about you,” I retorted giving him the same look.

            “That’s because of me,” a guy said from behind the bar. I almost screamed. They looked exactly the same. So far I haven’t noticed any difference in appearance.

            “That’s my twin, I came to see how he’s doing. We’re Kelvin and Melvin”

            “Who’s who?” I asked a little mesmerized.

            “I’m Kelvin,” the one sitting next to me said, “And that’s Melvin,” he pointed to the one behind the bar.

            “And you are?” They asked in unison and I smiled.

            “I’m Stefan”

            “Well, Stefan,” Melvin began. “I’m going to get back to work, I see my brother has his eyes set on you so hopefully I’ll be seeing you around,” he winked and went to the other end of the bar. I could feel Kelvin staring at me and I refused to look at him. There’s something about him that’s different from his brother. He’s bad and it aroused me.

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