Chapter 25

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                        The battle of Hogwarts

*No matter what things Narcissa did, she was sorry and carried that guilt on her back*

*Draco was cryning over your body blamming himself for what happend. He thought he could've stopped you from running to Harry*

Voldemort: Do something about Draco.
Bellatrix: Yes my Lord! Stupefy!
*Bellatrix knocked Draco unconscious, then Lucius took him in his arms and took him with him. Narcissa came closer to the Harry's body*

Narcissa: Dead.
*Hagrid walked towards Harry and took his body in his arms. He headed for Hogwarts on Voldemort's orders*

*As they Voldemort and his death eaters arrived at Hogwarts, everyone was already outside the tower watching him proudly come in*

Ginny: Who is that, Hagrid's carrying?
Voldemort: Harry Potter... is dead!
Ginny: No, NOO!
*Ginny screamed. Voldemort was walking around*
Voldemort: Harry Potter is dead!
*The death eaters were laughing*
Voldemort: And now its time to declare yourself, come and join us!

*Neville stood up in front of everyone*
Voldemort: I was hoping for better.
Neville: I'd like to say something!
Voldemort: Well Neville i'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say.
Neville: It doesn't matter Harry's gone. People die every day! Friends, family, yeah... We lost Harry tonight, he's still with us, in here.
*He put his hand on his heart*
Neville: So is Fred, and Remus and Tonks, all of them... He didn't die in vain! But you will, cause you're wrong! Harry's heart is dipping for us, for all of us! Its not over!
*He took the sword out of the bag and suddenly Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms*

Harry: Confringo!
*Everyone was surprised to see Harry in action again unlike Voldemort who couldn't believe how it was possible. His smile instantly turned to rage*

*The Battle of Hogwarts has officially begun. Everyone was running in all directions, flames were flashing from all corners, and some were fighting most sincerely, giving their lives for freedom from Voldemort*

*It was the final moment of the battle. Voldemort and Harry are competing. The snake has already been killed by Neville Longbottom. It's all on Harry now. Will he allow Voldemort to win or will he defeat him in honor of all the people who gave their lives to defeat him? They were both very powerful wizards but one had to be more powerful than other. Harry didn't give in, and suddenly Voldemort began to weaken and turn to ashes. Harry defeated one of the most powerful wizards, of course with the help of his friends. After defeating Voldemort he went to his friends*

Hermione: Harry you did it!
Ron:You defeated Voldemort!
*While they were hugging, Hagrid came to them*
Hermione: Hagrid!
*She hugged him*

Ron: Hey, have you seen Draco and y/n?
Hermione: Yeah i haven't seen them during the battle.
*Harry sadly looked at the ground*
Hermione: Harry?
Hagrid: Hermione....
Hermione: What? What is it?!
Hagrid: Y/n is dead....
Ron: What?!
Hermione: No, no, no, it can't be!
Hagrid: I'm sorry.
*Hermione started crying so did Harry and Ron*
Hermione: And Draco? Whe- where is he?
Ron: Is he dead?
Hagrid: No he's fine, i mean he can't be fine because of y/n, he is devastating but he's alive that's what i meant to say.
Hermione: I can't believe y/n is gone...
Harry: Yeah... She is dead because of me.
Ron: What do you mean?
Harry: When Voldemort tried to kill me she ran to me so it killed her.
Ron: But you...
Harry: I had the resurrection stone but she didn't...


Hello guys!💕 This is a little different than it was in the movie, this is my version! Love y'all and keep reading🤍🦋

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