Chapter 31

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Draco: Did you pack everything?
Y/n: I think so...
Draco: I'm driving home.
*You arrived. You were looking at Draco's house. It was really big. White mansion with a beautiful garden. He opened the door for you*
Y/n: Thank you.

*When you came in, he showed you everything you need to know*
Draco: On the first floor are kitchen and living room, on the second floor are bedrooms and bathrooms, and on the third floor... nothing special.
You don't have to go up there. I will now show you your room.
*You went upstairs*
Draco: This is my room... and this is now yours.
*He opened the door of your room*
Draco: Do you like it?
Y/n: Yes i love it, it's beautiful! Thank you Draco!
*You hugged him tight*
Y/n: Oh- i'm sorry.
Draco: No, no it's okay!
*You smiled*
Draco: Now get ready, we're going on a dinner at 20:00.
Y/n: Okay
*Draco left the room so you can change. You wore one beautiful red dress for dinner. You put some makeup and perfume on and walked downstairs*
Y/n: Hey Draco, i'm ready!
*He couldn't take his eyes off you*
Y/n: Draco! Are you there?
Draco: Uh- yeah, yeah...You look beautiful!
Y/n: Thanks!

*You went to the restaurant, had a really great time and came back*
Y/n: I think i drank to much, feel tired... i'm gonna take a bath and then go to the bed.
Draco: Yeah, me too.

*You went to the bathroom on the second floor. You took your pajamas and underwear with you. You let the water run. Draco knocked on your door, you didn't hear. He knocked again but the water was so loud you couldn't hear his knocking. You realized you forgot your hair shampoo outside the shower. When you wanted to go out to get it, you saw the lock come down. Draco came in*

Y/n: Draco! I'm naked!
Draco: Nothing i haven't seen before. I just wanted to take my towel. I was knocking but you didn't hear me. And i brought you yours. Take it.
Y/n: Thanks, now get out! I need to get dressed.
Draco: Okay, okay! I'm leaving...
*He left and closed the door. "Closed the door", he left the door a little open so he could peek. You saw that*
Y/n: Uhh idiot!
*You closed the door and he laughed*

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