Chapter 35

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After a long time....

*Draco spun around on the floor trying to find a comfortable position. You couldn't look at him like that anymore*
Y/n: Draco are you awake?
Draco: Yes
Y/n: Come here...
Draco: What?
Y/n: Come here, you're not comfortable there.
Draco: Are you sure?
Y/n: Yes, we don't have to do anything.

*At one point you started to feel weird .... old memories were rolling in your head and there was no way you could dismiss them. Those were the memories of you and Draco. Your first time ... you felt awkward and so did Draco. It was very late, past midnight. You felt a cold hand touching your waist. You turned to him*

Draco: I don't think i can pretend anymore...
I can't pretend that some of my feelings for you haven't returned...
*You looked at him with a very gentle look. Your eyes looked deep into his. You looked at each other without any speech*
Draco: Y/n... i- i love you.
*You approached him slowly, looking him in the eye as you held his hand. When you got completely close to him, you rested your lips on his. You kissed him slowly*
Y/n: I love you too Draco.

*He got on top of you, put his hands on yours and continued to kiss you*
Draco: Do you want?....
*He whispered in your ear*
Y/n: Yes...
*You took off your clothes and were completely naked. His hand slid over your body and went in one direction... The night was very interesting and in the morning you woke up to the warm rays of the sun shining through the windows*

Draco: Morning...
*He told you in a low voice as he stroked your hair*
Y/n: Morning
*Your eyes were still closed but you smiled and kissed him. Draco went to the bathroom, you came in while he was brushing his teeth. You took off your clothes and went into the shower*
Draco: Can i join?
Y/n: Sure!
Y/n: I was thinking.... about last night... Do you think it was right?
Draco: Why? You don't think it was?
*He said hugging you from behind as the water flowed down your body*
Y/n: I liked it.... but what about Melissa? She is your girlfriend and you cheated on her.
Draco: I don't care about that y/n.... I just know she wasn't the one... you are!
Y/n: And what about Ian? Oh no... i was supposed to go on a date with him yesterday! Fuck! He said he'd pick me up at your house but i wasn't there! I really messed up....
Draco: Y/n, stop! Just tell me one thing... do you have feelings for him, do you love him?
Y/n: No, but....
Draco: But nothing! You have to choose, him or me?
Y/n: Draco... you can't make me choose, he's my friend and you are... the one that i love!
Draco: Okay y/n, i won't make you choose because i know you would choose me so let's forget about this conversation and get ready for today.

*You wanted to leave the the shower but Draco didn't let you. He took you around your waist*
Draco: Just 5 more minutes?
Y/n: Fine...
*You smiled at him and got back in the shower. You've been making out for those 5 minutes*
Y/n: Okay, okay, enough we have to hurry!
*After 15 minutes, you and Draco were completely ready to go. You left the hotel and took a taxi to get there*


Finally guys! I know you were all very impatient for this moment but here it is. I hope I didn't annoy you too much :D

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