Chapter 26

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Five years later

(Its been 5 years since your death, well not really, let me explain better.... Five years ago you died... actually, everyone thought you died when you ran to Harry that night and the unforgivable curse "killed you". You stood in front of Harry but too late so it just hit one small part of your left arm. Then one lock of your hair turned white. That's the reason you're not dead)

*You spent the previous 5 years with the centaurs in the woods. They raised you until you were old enough to leave them and go to town..... and that day  came*

Y/n: Good morning everyone!
Firenze: Good morning y/n!
Magorian: Good morning and happy birthday!
Everyone: Happy birthday y/n!

*Today is your birthday. You turned 22, and centaurs considered that you're now that you are old enough to take care of yourself*

Y/n: Thank you everyone for all the wishes! I turned 22 today, which means I'm old enough to take care of myself. Tonight I'm leaving for the city where I'll find a job and go to work. I just want to thank you all for all these years that you have taken care of me and that we have spent together. You are like family to me now and I will never forget that!
Come here!

*You hugged everyone and then went to pack your your bags. While you were packing Magorian came to you (the leader of centaurs)*

Magorian: Hey
Y/n: Hi!
Magorian: Packing already?
Y/n: Yeah....
Magorian: We're gonna miss you!
Y/n: I know, i'm gonna miss you too! But i'll come here to visit you somethimes.
Magorian: Don't forget! And, here.... this is yours.
Y/n: My wand!
Magorian: Yes. It was next to you the night you died.
Y/n: I thought i lost it forever! Thank you!
Magorian: I was keeping it this whole time so i can give it to you now. Maybe you'll need some help there.
Y/n: Thank you so much!

*It was the evening. You were ready... They escorted you to the end of the forest, they could go no further*

Firenze: Goodbye y/n!
*Magorian came to you and gave you your bag*
Magorian: Goodbye and good luck!
Y/n: Thank you!
*You said goodbye to the centaurs and headed for the train station. You had some money with you but not enough to make a living from it. That's why you needed to find a job in the city*

*Soon the train arrived, you went inside and started to put your bag on the shelf above your seat.
It was too high and you couldn't reach it*

Guy: Here, let me help you.
*One guy helped you pick up your bag then introduced himself*

Guy: Hi! My name is Tom.
Y/n: Hi i'm...
Tom: Y/n?
Y/n: Tom?
Tom: Y/n, how- how is this possible? I thought you were dead! How?!
Y/n: I know... long story. I survived.
Tom: But... where were you this whole time?
Y/n: I lived with centaurs. They helped me recover and took care of me for the last 5 years.
Tom: That's just... i- i thought you were dead, everyone did. You could have told us!
Y/n: I am so sorry but i wasn't allowed to go outside the forest.
Tom: I missed you so much!
*He hugged you very tightly*

Tom: Does Draco know?
Y/n: No...
Tom: Are you gonna tell him?
Y/n: I would.. but... i've no idea where he is.
Tom: Me neither, but after the battle he moved to the city. That's the only thing i know.

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