Red Face

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It was a few days after that big fight that Jay and Riku got into. A lot of people were still talking and saying how Riku was a bitch in that fight. People going up to him and pushing him around taking his things pulling his hair. Many wanted Riku out of their school. They hated him wanted him gone out of their and everyone's life. Of course, Riku knew all of this but he didn't say anything about it. He could only watch and listen to what others said about him.
'Riku...Riku..... RIKU'

"Huh! What..what happened"Riku said snapping back into reality.

"We have to do this part or we won't get a good grade on it," Said his one and only friend, Liz. Liz was a kind girl and was friends with almost everyone in her grade and the school. She was a great person, with awesome grades, cool personality, she was like a small, fluffy dog. Everyone loved her. You wouldn't think that she was friends with the most hated kid at the school. Welp things aren't always what they seem. Riku may seem like he is a small bitchy bitch but he just wanted some attention something he never had when he was a child. I'm not trying to make anyone feel sad for Riku, he just didn't get loved the same way other kids would have. When Riku was a kid his parents always used to work he doesn't remember what their faces look like. Riku never knew what  love felt like till he was in 9th grade (he's in 11th now.) He found out because that's when he found a girlfriend for the first time in his life and the last. After what she did to him on that day. Obviously, me being me I'm not going to tell you what happened on that day I'll say that when I know what happened. Mehehehehe. But Riku since then never trusted anyone ever again but of course, he found some trust in his only good friend. Jay and Riku knew each other since they were tiny kids. When they were each about 13 Jay and Riku got into a big fight over who knows what(heck I don't even know). But whatever it was never faded and they hated each other. After that, they kept fighting no matter who or what was around them. Just fight, fight, fight over and over again. They got along so well before why did that suddenly change? No one really knows why but meh. I went off-topic let's get back on topic before I forget what I'm doing here.
"Ugh ok so what are we doing again," Riku asked not knowing what in the world is going on.
"Riiiiiikkkkuuuuu!!!!! Why don't you ever listennnnnn, "Liz said whining about how Riku never listens.

"Cuz it's boring and I don't want to be hereeeeee," Riku whined back.

"Well you have to so pay attention more unless you want to retake this class," Liz said making him flinch a little. He then put himself to work on whatever they were working on.

"Why do you always bring up retaking classes so you can make me work ಠಿヮಠ," Riku asked.

"Well it just always work I don't really know how but it works like a charm," Liz said making Riku a te bit mad ya know.

"Welllllllll, you still have to work to pass you know you can't just pass the class. The word is just that cruel," Liz said again making Riku flinch. Riku is somehow very flinchy do I know why, Yes. Will I tell you guys, No. Why cuz I'm me a duh.
"Ya know you make a lot of small movements Riku it's kinda weird," She said looking Riku dead in the eyes.

"Just past stuff, nothing too big," Riku replied making Liz more interested in Riku's past.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," Liz said looking at Riku dead in the eye again.

"What I said it's nothing to be big just some stuff in the past that all," Riku said looking away. Riku had a lot to hide. He wasn't the person to tell people about his problems because he didn't have anyone to run to.

"*Sigh* Ok just tell me if anything happens to you ok. I'm your friend I'll be here for you." Liz said getting back to work.

'Why does she have to worry so much? I don't get this why can't I just say it? Why? WHY? Damnit I hate myself so much.' Riku said in his head. He then went back to work on something else. Zoning out of everything in the real world.

A few Days Later

"Hey, Riku wait for me! Don't leave me heeeeerrrreeee," Liz yelled running towards Riku in the Hallway. Everyone looked at them like they were crazy. Riku stopped and waited for Liz, then when Liz was with Riku everyone was scoffing like they had anything to do with them. (Gosh I'm really starting to hate these other studentttttttsss ughhhhhhhh)

"Why do you walk so slow," Riku asked Liz making her give him a pouting face. 

"I don't walk slowly you just walk fast," She said then looked away. Riku laughed a little and said he was sorry and just continued walking to his class. He said his goodbyes to Liz and entered his class. He felt eyes on his like ants on his skin. He just wanted to leave, he felt alone and sad on the inside. Beside's that point he just walked into the class and sat down. He forgot that Jay the person he hated sat next to him. Most of the time he would just ignore him, but today was just not the day. Riku would look at him and even bump his arm on Jay's. He didn't seem like himself, his face would even get a little hot when he would think of Jay. Jay noticed Riku was acting weird and wanted to know what was up with him.

"Dude you ok you want your mommy," Jay said making Riku finch.

"I'm fine. I don't need someone like you worrying about me," Riku said glaring at him.

"What you mean 'someone like you' huh," Jay said getting up in Riku's face.

"Get out of my face," Riku said pushing Jay's face and then storming out of class. Jay followed behind Riku. The teacher was done with everything so she was just sitting in the back sleeping. The kids nosey as they were they also followed. "Can you not bug me today Jay. I really don't need it today," Riku yelled at Jay before he fell face first, Jay hovering over him. He flinched seeing Jay's fist going towards him.


Riku felt a sharp pain in his arm. He opened his eyes to see Jay being held back by Liz. Liz was very strong for how she looked. Jay was trying to shack Liz off but he couldn't do that. She was on Jay like gum in hair. 

"Get off of me. It's not like I was going to hurt the kid," He yelled at Liz.

"Oh, but you were." She said to Jay. "Riku get up and run I got it here," She said. In less than a second Riku was up and running. He ran like he never ran before. He left his face it was as hot as a pan that just got off of the stove. (and that's really hot don't ask me how I know.;-;) 

'Something is wrong with me, but what, what is wrong with me' He said to himself over and over again.


After a few minutes 

Riku was all the way on the other side of the school. He was walking around hoping not to bump into Jay. But opp-he did. He saw him and ran the other way. Jay ran after and when he caught up to him he put his arms round him trying to keep him in place. Again Riku felt his face get hot. For what, he had no reason to have his face as hot as it was.

Ksnnskalks guyyyyyyyyysssss I'm dead I have this story planned out and I'm so happy to get it written ughhhhhhh ok well I hope you all liked this chapter and see you all in the next one.

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