Where are we

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"I told you to not go there but of course, you never listen to me," Said Riku's mother

"It's not like you are ever here to know where I am," Riku said.

"You really think I don't where my son goes. I may not always be in the house but I know where you go and who you are with. Just like I know about Liz and that prick Jay picks on you for who knows why," Said Riku's mother.

"Well you may know some things," Riku said.

"I am your mother Riku. I care about you and I'm sorry for not spending time with you. I may always be busy but I care and I DO know what goes on in your life," Riku's mother said.

"Ms. Risa you have a meeting soon so I need you to get ready for that ma'am," Said Risa's assistant.

"Yes, I'll get going soon just give me a minute," Risa said

"Ok ma'am," The assistant said then turned to leave.

"Oh gosh why today of all days? Anyways I'll be leaving baby. Remember to ONLY take the painkillers when your ankle starts to hurt, there is food in the fridge, lock all the doors oh and the windows when you are leaving or about to go to sleep, don't stay up too late, AND wake up to go to school AND you better get up and go. Ok, that is all I have to tell you. Stay safe and I love you. Bye-bye honey," Risa said taking her leave.

"Yea bye mom I love you too," Riku said probably having a bit of red on his face from hearing his mother loves him. Riku got up from his bed and went to see if there was any food or a snack he could eat, and low and behold he found food. Riku's mother wasn't around a lot in his life but he somehow always knew what she made for him and what she didn't. He found comfort in his mother's food since it was one of the only things he knew very well. After he ate his food he went to his room limping from the pain in his ankle to take a painkiller and watch some TV. After who knows how long Riku ended falling asleep. He ended up waking up 40 minutes before school started so he got up got dressed ate and started walking to school. He lived near the school so he could walk if he wanted to. He took one crutch just in case his ankle started to hurt to the point where he wouldn't be able to walk well. He got to school and just sighed and walked in. People as soon as they saw Riku started talking and started making more rumors up about him. Of course not even knowing what happened, but people start talking when someone comes into school with bandages all over their face limping with one crutch.

"RIKUUUUUUUUUU," Yelled someone from down the hallway. Of course, it was no one but Liz. She was running towards Riku and stopped right in front of him. Tears started to form in her eyes and she jumped to hug him. "How dumb can you be you, idiot," Liz said still hugging him.

"I'm sorry for making you worry," Riku said hugging back and patting her back hoping to comfort her.

"Gosh I would hit you but your hurt," Liz said letting go of him and dragging him to his homeroom.

"Uhh Liz you know I didn't hit my head I remember where my homeroom is," Riku said and stopped walking causing Liz to turn about.

"What's wrong," She asked looking at Riku with confused eyes.

"Let's go the other way to class," He said looking down. Liz looked forward and scowled. She kept walking forward and pushed Jay. That's why Riku wanted to go the other way.

"Hey, why is the twats servent pushing me today huh," Jay said making Riku look up and walk over to where Liz was,

"Don't call her a servent. She's my friend," Riku said giving Jay a harsh glare.

"Woah didn't think you would come today considering what you did yesterday," Jay said making Riku flinch.

"You mean after what you did. I was the victim of what you did. You pushed me and I ended up getting hurt as a cause of that," Riku said walking up closer to Jay. Jay was getting pushed back onto the wall behind him. Riku was just staring into Jay's eyes making sure that he knew that it was his fault for how Riku ended up. Jay push Riku he fell and the floor but Riku being Riku he didn't care that he landed on his ankle he got right back up and punch Jay in the face. Jay also being Jay punches him back and sooner or later they were fighting again. They were going at each other Jay not caring that Riku was already hurt and Riku not caring that he was hurt.

"Hey you two brack it up," Said a teacher-they didn't hear him. Liz also tried to claim Riku down but to no avail. A few minutes later they froze and fell on the floor onto each other. People were either looking in shock, fangirling for some reason, or in disgust. Other than that someone checked on each of them and yelled for someone to call an ambulance but they both somehow dissapired.

---------------------------------------Jay and Riku

"AH" Yelled Riku.

"Ayo what the hell man," Jay said waking up.

"The fuck do you think imma do, "Riku said.

"Not yel...... Where are we," Jay asked.

"As if I know," Riku said looking away and getting up. "Get your ass up or I'll fucking leave you, you shit," 

"The fuck you say," Jay asked.

"Get your ass up or I'll fucking leave you, you shit," Riku repeated.

"Fuck you,"

"You too,"


Heyyyyyy guys what is upppppp nothing ok anyways here is the next chapter I may change the name later but who cares anyway that's all I have to say byeeee guys.

From Mango

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