chapter 13

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They went on a date to a fancy restaurant. Usually their ultimate date was lying in the bed while it was raining and cuddling but they sometimes mixed it up a little.there were paparazzi ' s taking pictures of the couple but they didn't invade their personal space as they walked into the restaurant.
"This place is nice " she said sitting on the chair he drew Out for her
"I am glad you like it " he kissed her on her head "Oh I forgot to tell you, the manager is under investigation for fraud.he is in huge trouble " he said she looked up at him and smiled " That's good " she smiled. a waiter came up to them and they placed their oders.he brought out his phone and started texting " Who are you texting " she asked running her hand through her hair
" Caleb.he is freaking out "
" What's wrong? " She took a sip of water
He dropped his phone "daisy is back.they used to date, they were crazy about eachother but something happened "
" What? "
" now that I think of it, I have no idea! !All I know is after they broke up he was a wreck I couldn't ask him about it and now that she is back. ...."
" He is freaking out " she completed with a smile
" Exactly! " He smiled back " i don't know if I should help them work things out "
" No! Don't do that, let them work things out themselves they will figure things out eventually " she said
"Fine " he said
After dinner they went to Jason's house, they wanted to go to chloè's but it was movie night which meant everyone would be awake and she didn't need to have the TALK again with her dad she already has a hard time forgetting the first one. They both layed down cuddling on the bed he had changed to only his boxers while she wore one of his t - shirts " You are sleeping over right? "Jason asked
" Definitely " she smiled then kissed him their legs entwined together as they continued kissing.
" How are things at work? "He asked after breaking the kiss
" Fine. ...I guess "
" What's wrong? "She ran her hands through her hair and licked her lips " it's just 3 of my partners have been having private meetings lately should I be worried? "
" It does seem suspicious, but maybe it's nothing "
" Maybe you are right " she sighed
" It's going to be okay " he kissed her head " Speaking of which. ......your assistant still hates me "
She smiled " give him time, he is not over liam yet "
" He knew him? "
" Yeah,Liam was like a big brother to zeus " chloè said
"This guy left some pretty big shoes to fill " he sighed, she looked up at him then sat up and straddled him while his hand went to her ass
" Hey, I never said I wanted you to fill his shoes "
"You didn't have to say it, it's like the big elephant in the room "
" Well you are the only one seeing the elephant, you are perfect to me sweety and I wouldn't take you any other way " she kissed him " Okay? "He was quiet for a while just staring at her "i love you " he said her eyes widened in shock for a second then she smiled and continued kissing him.he placed her back on the bed as he kissed her slowly.he knew she didn't say it back but he didn't want to pressure her.

"So you didn't say it back? " alex asked
" I didn't! " Chloè said. She was telling alex what happened while getting ready for work
"You should have said it back "
" I don't know what I feel yet so saying it back would have been lieing "
" So ?"
" I don't want to ever lie to Jason, I know he would never lie to me "
" You think. ...."
" What's that supposed to mean? "
" Nevermind. ......I am going to a basketball game with him today i could talk to him about it if you want "
" How come he didn't invite me to the game? "
" He has only two tickets plus he didn't think you would like it"
"No I.....yeah he is right i don't like it"
"So should i talk to him? "
" You would do that for me? "
"Thank you so much " chloè hugged her then she slipped on her heels " Bye " she said walking out.she wore a fitted knee length gown with three quarter sleeve she looked amazing in it.
Alex and Jason sat ready to watch the game
"What snacks do you want " he asked
"Let's buy it all!!"she smiled
"Oh my god! I've been waiting all my life for someone to do that with, if I did it alone I wouldn't have finished it all myself" . They bought every snacks that passed them by.they were halfway into the game now
"is it just me or is this game just terrible"
"it is!!"Jason said
"is am sure we could play better"
"i can play better! But I am not sure about you"
"Really? "
"Yeah! I played college ball but I got bored " he said which just made her laugh
"You are such a liar " she said as he burst out laughing so how are things with you and chloè?"
"Fine.....I guess"
"it was very faint almost like a whisper but I heard that last part " she smiled " what's wrong? "
"i told chloè I loved her yesterday, but she didn't say it back"
" The L word that's a big step!!"she ran her hand through her hair
"Yeah " he said
"i am sure she had a reason for not saying it back"
"Yeah...she doesn't feel the same way"
"it could be that.....or it could also be that she is scared"
"Of what?"
"Chloè's history with love hasn't exactly been rainbows and unicorns, I don't blame her for being reluctant"
"it thought she was better"
"She is....but it changed her, that phone call changed her life , that call that told her everything she had ever hoped for the future was never going to happen, so don't be upset with her"
"it am not upset with her, not atall , I am upset with myself.......I just feel like me saying it has become a bother for her"
"No it hasn't trust don't worry"
"Thanks, I'll be sure to tell her you did your job well"
"She didn't send me"
"Oh please alex you are so transparent! "
"I......fine i give up " she laughed .he got an alert on his phone so he picked it up and read it
"There is a party going on"
"Somewhere close by " he said " do you wanna go"
"I never turn down a party"
"Cool..let me just call chloè"
"No..."she took his phone from him " if you call her she would talk you out of going, so let's go now and then you can be sorry later........that's my motto"
"So you want to go now? But the game....."
"Is terrible!.....let's go " she smiled
"You are so awesome " he grinned as they walked outside .
Jason was driving the car while alex was giving him directions through the gps " Oh I can't go like this".
"What? You look fine!"he said looking at her
"Hold up " she crawled to the backseat of the jeep
"How would I know where to go"
"Just keep going straight " she said Few seconds later she crawled back in
"How do i look?"she asked him, he took his eyes off the road and looked at her
"Whoa!!"he said, she had let down her ponytail ,she took off her shirt now she had on her singlet crop top that had a sweetheart neckline that pushed up her boobs .her trousers were few inches below her crop top so a little bit of skin showed now she was wearing all black and she looked sexy as hell.she didn't need to change her makeup she still had her smoky eyes and red lipstick
"We are here!"Jason smiled as he pulled into the driveway
"Let me teach you how it's done " she winked at him.she got down from the car then she walk hand in hand with him into the party
Chloè was in her nightwear, a short shorts and singlets she paced the room several times all alex told her was they were going to a game now both their phones were switched off .She hadn't spoken to Jason all day and they were meant to spend a night in her house today she just hoped he remembered because she was missing him it was already 3 am but still no sign of them she heard a car drive in and she stood still praying it was them .
"Shhhhhhhh huh " she heard followed by laughter
"It's so dark!!"another voice came which was Jason's
"Where the hell are you two coming from,"she switched on the light and saw alex and Jason assisting eachother as they took slow steps.
"Uhh - ohh " alex said then giggled along with Jason. They looked so drunk and stupid
"How much did you guys drink?"
"Just one cup " Jason said
Alex burped " just one " she repeated .chloè sighed as she looked at both of them alex was standing weird.she had dealt with drunk alex before she first starts burping, then standing weird, then yelling, then she starts dancing even without music.
"Michael " she called the help who was with her, he is usually the one who helps alex to her room " please help alex up to her room " she said
"Yes ma'am " he picked alex up bridal style and walked up the stairs while alex's hand and head dangled like she was dead she looked back at jason who was looking at the ground guiltily and biting his lips he looked so cute she wanted to hug him but she decided not to
"And you?you should have called me " she said
"My phone died " he said trying to look serious but he wa do drunk to even see properly he had to blink multiple times to concentrate. She put his arm on her and she assisted him upstairs into her room. She layed him on the bed as she took of his shoe and socks she took off his trousers then tried taking off his shirt
"Chloè .......thank you chloè " he said lazily
"Don't thank me yet mister"
"Beautiful chloè. ......."he touched her face "my chloè. The chloè I love " he smiled drunkingly "Chlo ....."Then he dozed off
"Dork " she smiled as she ran her hand through his hair down to his face she leaned down and gave him a kiss.she tried taking off his shirt but it wasn't Easy at all she straddled him and tried to pick his upper body up so she can take it off but it was so hard.there were times when she succeed in sitting him up but that will result in him falling into her.
"Eek " she yelped. He was so heavy, she finally succeeded In pulling off his shirt then she rolled over to the side breathing hard " that was hard " she breathed .she turned to look at his sleeping face and she rubbed her hands against his cheeks, her hands were so small it could barely cover half of his face "Goodnight jason " she kissed him after cuddling into him and she slept off.

Hello everyone how was your week? Hope it went great. Mine? Not so much but updating just made me feel better. Anyways don't forget to vote and feel free to comment #team chlason.

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