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1 yr later÷
Chloè sat down on the huge round table slowly placing fruits like grape, raspberries, strawberries e.t.c into her mouth while her sisters munch down on omelette, pie and so on.she shed her baby weight easily after the loss of her child miley but she is going on a strict diet because of her was absolutely gorgeous and in a room away from there where no one and nothing can ruin or destroy it.her hair stylist and make up artist were setting up as she and her sisters ate breakfast. daisy was yet to arrive and she was also part of her bridesmaids too
"I am so pissed off!!"daisy yelled dropping down on the seat nearest to chloè
"Well good morning to you too " chloè smiled
"I am sorry! I know it's your wedding and all but I am totally annoyed"
"Obviously " chloè teased "there is only one person that can get you this worked up.....caleb?"
"it's like you read my mind"
"What happend? "
"i have been asking about his royal position for over a week now but he has been refusing me, even during sex!! And he never refuses me! Because I do that thing with my tongue where I....."
"Okay!! Okay that's quite enough " chloè stopped her" Why is it so important? "
"Because I would like to know What I would be the duchess of in future"
"And what does he say"
"He says I would be the duchess of camelot.. ...."daisy said immediately she said it chloè spat out the grape in her mouth and started laughing " it's not funny!!!"
"Yes! It are so persistent, and you know that position will probably go to his brother"
"Not if an accident occurs " she smiled
"........I don't know if I should be worried right now "chloè said and daisy winked
"Enough about me, how do you feel?"
"i think of running out of here like a mad woman every 5 minutes , I am so nervous"
"it's going to be okay"
"And i give you full permission to do something dramatic today, I mean after the wreck I caused at your wedding ...."
"Don't say that! Besides it was the reception! ! Caleb and I were thinking of bolting anyways.he kept whispering Dirty things in my ear " she winked
"You know I don't think I ask for that information. ...although I am sure it would have been incredibly sexy especially with that accent of his".
"You bet " she smiled " So where is the dress? Alex told me it was totally beautiful"
"it is, it's so perfectly beautiful " chloè smiled thinking of her dress
"Ma'am, we are ready for you " the hairstylist called " i got to go " she stood up and pecked daisy.
After 3hrs of hair and make up chloè stood in the middle of the room on a stool with her underwear waiting for them to bring in her gown .she wore it and they adjusted it in places that needed it. after the final touch ups she stood in front of the full length mirror , her sisters and mother behind her, she wore a flowy gown that had a lace quarter hand but the lace was transparent and she had a sweetheart neckline under ,the back had a round opening and she had gone for a corset closing .There was a trail of beaded diamond at the waist giving the gown a more classy look, the train was very long and it made a semi circle behind her.her hair was in a classy pack and she had gone back brown and her tiara was placed on her head slowly , her mother slowly placed her diamond earrings on her . holding back a tear .
"You look so beautiful. ..."sarah said sobbing
"You look like a queen " daisy said
"Jason is going to go crazy " alex said "i wanna hug you but you look like a million bucks right now "
"Actually 3million on everything but who is counting " she said and they all broke out laughing ,knowing how much she hated that eveything had to be custom made which just made it more expensive but jason insisted. chloe tried holding back her tears too.
"Oh no!you can't cry, you'll get puffy " alex said also trying to hold back her tears.she really looked like a queen.she went for classy, elegant look "get down sweetie " alex said and chloè obeyed slowly stepping down
"You look perfect " haley said.alex held her long train as they walked , then they drove to church and she let the train flow on its own.after everyone was in order chloè walked in with her father "are you ready?"her father asked her
"I definitely am " she smiled . chloè looked up after seconds of looking down shyly.she saw caleb hand jason a handkerchief and he quickly dabbed his eyes, she smiled at that ,she couldn't believe jason was crying, she finally got to him and he held her hand.
"Hey " she said still smiling
"Hey " he answered back " you look. .....breathtaking, you are so beautiful"
"You look amazing " she complimented, placing a hand on his cheek and cleaning a stay tear.
"Let's get married chloè"he smiled signalling for the priest to start.
After the ceremony chloè had to change out of her gown even though she didn't want to, she put on something freer instead .now she was dancing with her sisters after sharing a dance with her dad and Jason.she smelt a familiar scent and a strong familiar hand wrapped around her waist pulling her into him he bent to her ear and whispered "You are going to have to explain what you are doing here, if you are lucky I wount call police " Jason said.she stared up at him for 2 seconds before the realisation that he was saying what he said to her the first time they met.
"You don't know who I am " she said playing along as she wrapped her hands around his neck
"Yes I are my wife " he finally said
"You are not going according to the script " she smiled placing her forehead on his
"Screw the script " he dipped her
"Eek " she squealed before casting him a big smile.he held her waist tighter as he leaned down and kissed her while everyone cheered .



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