chapter 10

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Chloè was going through some files when her door flew open she didn't need a psychic to tell her it was alex, she finished her exams last week and she agreed to have lunch with chloè and Jason.

"Is he here yet?"

"Yes alex, Jason is here but you cant see him because a 6 foot 8 guy is so easy to hide " chloè said sarcastically still not looking up

"Whatever " alex sat on her desk as she flipped through a book

"You realise that is glass right? And you have a big butt"

Alex threw the book on the table " Okay cranky pants what the hell is your problem! You are the one that practically begged me for this lunch"

"It's not you...."

"Then what!"

"Work " she sighed

"Girl you need to take a break".

"i agree " Jason said coming through the already opened door in all his manly beautiful glory, he had his usual big grin on his face which immediately lifted chloè's spirit .it was amazing what his smile could do to her

"Hey" she said

"Come give me a hug " he said still smiling.she stood up and walked towards him, she immediately flung herself on him

"Hmmn " he sighed taking in her scent he straightend up still hugging her which made chloè's feet leave the ground " i missed you " he said she didn't reply but she was blushing greatly.

"Hey jason " alex said

"Alex!"Jason let go of chloè to look at alex " how were your exams?"

"I nailed it " she smirked

"I am where would you ladies like to go?"

"There is a food court few blocks away " alex said

"Food court kind of girl " Jason winked at alex. Chloè wanted to yell " i love food court too!!!" But she decided not to " Shall we?"Jason asked

"Yeah " alex said jumping down from the table.

           They were walking and talking jason held chloè's hand as he tried to start a conversation with alex

"So what do you do for fun alex?"

"Well mostly party"

"I thought you were a law student"


"Well the law students I have crossed parts with are really......not fun"

"Like chloè? "Alex joked.jason smiled and looked at chloè who gave a small smile " Well I am definitely not like the people you came across,I live for parties " alex smiled

"i can bet you haven't been to as much as me"

"You are on!........excluding the ones in london" .They reached the food court after some minutes and they were still talking about parties, and chloè was beginning to feel left out.they orderd and started eating but they still talked about parties

"I've been to some crazy parties.....I went to one sometime ago the host smashed a girls head for not dancing with him " alex said

"Oh my god I was there!! Benjamin Holt. ..that guy was a psycho"

"How come we've never met?!! We've been to so many placed together"

"i know right!"

"But I think you would remember me from Benjamins party"

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