chapter 17

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"No!!! It can't be " chloè said
"It's a blessing madame " odessa said trying to calm her down, she looked like she was about to have a heart attack .
"I know it's a blessing! And sure I will love this child , but this isn't a good time for me to be pregnant.......I can't afford to be lazy and emotional, I have a company to save"
"Madame.....relax, take in deep breaths, don't be scared " odessa assured " you have  been 2 months pregnant without knowing I am sure the remaining 7 months will go like the wind"
"i hope you are right " she said " i need to be alone " she walked into her room she took off her clothe she needed to have a long, cool bath her reflection caught her eyes and she looked at her body in the full length mirror " i am going to be a mother?"she touched her stomach " jason " she whispered almost close to tears.she pondered in the bathtub if she should call jason or not this is the excuse she had been waiting for to finally hear his voice but she just couldn't call him she was too scared.she closed her eyes and went back to those days she spent with Jason as her hands gently carresed her stomach.
            She came out an hour later wearing shorts and a top she picked up her laptop and kept working but she kept feeling odessa stare at her
"What is it odessa?"she asked with a little smile playing at the corner of her lips
"Do you want anything? "
"No, I am fine"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes odessa thank you"she went back to work "there is something I want to know though"
"Anything!"odessa sat in front of her
"How did you know I was pregnant?"
"Oh, there were many signs"
"You threw up one morning"
"Bad seafood, night before " she defended
"You were dizzy"
"i worked all night that's why"
"The girls have grown bigger "she looked down at her boobs " push up bra " she lied
"Don't try to fight it " odessa smiled
"i am not!!.......anyway I'll get professional opinion tommorow "
" You should do that......but I'll still be right.....I promise you that " she sighed and went back to work

       *2 months later*
Odessa was very right chloè was pregnant and now she was pregnant and in a foreign country ,she couldn't get back home because she didn't have any investors yet.she stared at the Google page on her laptop trying to fight the urge to type in his name, but then she broke
"Jason Norwood " she typed it in then pressed search it took less that a second for news about him to pop up, she sighed with relief when she found out there was no news of him and another girl . the news about him where mostly about Norwood tiles which was now doing great " That's good to hear" she said talking to herself she saw a video of him in a bar fighting, more like beating the shit out of Robert she listened closely to what he was saying and realised he was talking about her as he cried she gasped and a tear fell down her eyes.her phone started ringing
"Hello " she sniffed
"Miss stannis?"
"Yes, this is she"
"Hello I am Mason Gough-Calthorpe we met at the conference"
"Oh yes! Mr Gough-Calthorpe it's so good to hear from you "
"I'll get to the point....château vin is a gold mine and I'll like to invest"
"Oh my god!"gold mine? She had heard a lot of name about château vin from business men she had heard the titanic, deflated boat,And a building without foundation but never had she heard gold mine this is so amazing.tears fell from her eyes " thank you so much " she sniffed
"Are you crying?"
"No! Of course not " she cleaned her tears stupid hormones
"How about we meet for dinner"
"I would love that so much, thank you sir " she said ending  the call.she spent so much time staring at Jason's picture then she got an idea she typed in the country in france that jason was from she immediately saw the royal family name" House of La Trémoille"she read ,as she suspected they changed their name" let me check this out " she clicked on it " Oh shit " she exclaimed when she saw their pictures they all looked like gods and goddesses the females looked flawless. jason and his family weren't in the potrait and that's what got her angry they were over 10, 2 girls sat on horses looking elegant and strong they all had sparkling honey suckle eyes it was the trade mark of the family. the guys had a strong, capable, royal look to them but even in the potraits you can still see the pride emitting from them, the remaining girls dressed in beautiful gowns ,the king and queen sat side by side they all looked exceptional.she went out of the page but made sure she saved it so she could come stare at them more.she then decides to go get ready .she was supposed to wear a red fitted Co - operate gown but it was hard to zip it up so she called odessa in
"It's not going to work ma'am"
"No way!, I am not going to put on maternity clothes for a business meeting!"she tried pressing in her stomach odessa said her stomach was small for a four month pregnant woman but she didn't agree with her " No ma'am I can't " odessa said after trying again .chloè brought out another similar gown but it was white
"Let's try this one " she said .After some minutes it entered her but her stomach was still obvious in it.federick her driver drove her to the restaurant and she was directed into a private room where Mr. Gough-Calthorpe sat
"Miss stannis...welcome " he said temporary  distracted by her stomach " if you don't mind I invited my nephew"
"Oh it's no problem at all " she said
"Good evening uncle " she heard a familiar voice she turned back and saw Robert giving his usual charming but disgusting smirk.
"You've got to be kidding me!"she said
"You two know each other?"
"No " chloè answered
"Yes " Robert answered " would you excuse us uncle I would like to talk to chloè in private " he said dragging her out of the room
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"i came to talk to you " he looked at her stomach " you are pregnant? !"
"That's none of your business"
"Does jason know about his child?"
"Don't you dare..."
"i am sorry for what happened 4 month ago"
"i don't care for your apology"
"i love you"
"What the....."
"i will take the baby too, Jason doesn't have to know"
"You are sick"
"Chloè. ....."
"i bet the thought of stealing from jason intrigues you, stealing his girl and his child"
"It does, but you intrigue me more"
"I'll rather die than be with you Robert " she said walking past him, she smiled politely at Mr. Gough-Calthorpe then they continued dinner.
            Chloè was hormonal, lazy , cramped, angry, homesick and tired.dinner with Mr.Gough-Calthorpe was terrible he always asked Robert for his opinion and Robert always had terrible things to say it was like she was answering to Robert. Odessa walked in with a  balm and hot towel, she picked chloè's leg up and placed the hot towel on it
"That feels good....thank you odessa"
"It's no problem miss " she said.few seconds of silence passed between them " Miss? "
"Does the father of the baby know you are pregnant? "
"No and I don't plan on telling him"
"What did he do wrong?"
"Then why give him such cruel punishment?"
"i am not punishing him it's just....ah " she yelled
"What's wrong miss?"
"My stomach Ahh it hurts odessa"she yelled
"Calm down miss I will..."chloè stopped yelling
"it's gone " she called down " i am fine, the pain is gone"
"You should go to the hospital miss"
"i will, very soon " she said standing up slowly and going to her room to cry.

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