Chapter 9

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Part 1

Noah's POV

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm rang and turned it off so that I wouldn't wake up Emma. I know that today especially is going to be difficult, as we were going to discuss her health, which I can't imagine to be good.

    I decided to take a cold shower before and think about what to say to her. I can't just say 'hey your extremely malnourished, and you need to get tested for all types of diseases' that would freak her out.

    I sighed as I went to the bathroom. I quickly brushed and flossed my teeth and undressed what was left on my body, hopping in the shower and turning on the water. The ice-cold water was like an extinguisher to my burning skin. I could feel my worries washing away with the water. After a solid five minutes, I decided to finish up and dressed as I didn't want to be late for her doctor's appointment I had set up last minute.

    When I left the shower, I wrapped a white towel around my hips, and took another towel, rubbing my wet hair on it so that it doesn't drip around the room. I used the same towel to dry off my chest and back. I walked out of the bathroom, forgetting that Emma could be well awake as its 9:00 AM.

    When I opened the door, I was greeted by Emma's small body poking out of the covers looking straight at me. At this point, I myself began to blush, but what was I going to do, walk back into the bathroom? No way, I'm just owning it.

    "Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?" I asked as I walked over to my walk-in closet giving her my back as I grabbed a suit.

    It took a second for her to reply, and I couldn't help but smile. "G-good. Better than I have in a long time."

    She looks over at the mess on the couch that I had yet told the maids to fix up. I could tell she seemed uncomfortable, maybe sad, maybe both. I couldn't completely separate and understand those two emotions with her.

    "I'll take the couch today, and you can take the bed. Besides, it doesn't look like you could actually fit in the cough."

    "I fit just fine, thank you. And I didn't differ sleeping on the couch or the bed."

    That was a lie, but I'm confident that she would never be able to tell, and I didn't want her to be uncomfortable sleeping. I don't think I could bare watching her frail body laying on such a stiff couch.

    "So what do you have planned today?" she asks as she eyes me grabbing my fancy suit.

    "We are going to the hospital to get you a check-up, and after that, we'll go get breakfast. I have a meeting later in the day that I have to attend and I must go check how my hotel is going. The opening ceremony is in a few weeks, which your welcome to come with me if you'd like, I could actually use your opinion."

    "The hospital? What are they going to do?" she asked, fear present in her tone.

    "They'll check your cholesterol, vitamins and check for cancers, etc . . . Nothing to be scared of. My sisters get a yearly checkup for breast cancer, and they never complained that it hurt, and since you haven't gone to the doctor in a while, it's just safer to check for everything."

    "Oh, okay. I guess it would be smart. I do have cholesterol and heart disease in my family."

    She walks over to a suitcase that was near the door and opened it. It was filled with the clothes I bought her along with items she previously had bought. She grabs a t-shirt and short overalls underwear, and a bra along with a shampoo, conditioner, bath wash, a bottle that I'm assuming is a body scrub and a loofah. I recognized the bottles that she was holding as I helped design them.

    "Could I shower before we go?" she asks.

    I still had my back towards her, but I could tell she was staring, which only made my smile even bigger.

    "Of course, take your time. I made your appointment at 10:00, so we need to leave at 9:45."

    "Okay," was all she said as she turned around and walked into the bathroom.

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