Chapter 14

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Emma's POV

Noah winked and went to the restroom. I couldn't stop laughing, almost choking on the cookie. I haven't laughed so hard in years. I've never felt such ecstasy before, and I'm hoping to God that it never ends.

    My prayers, I guess, are never answered. Two men came up to me. I could see they were out for blood just like the rest of them.

    They were both tall, with curly hair and a beautiful caramel complexion. I knew they tanned because they had tan lines where their bracelets used to be. Except for the fact that one had green eyes and the other had dark brown eyes, they were nearly identical. They were strong and possessed razor-sharp jaws, but they paled in contrast to Noah.

    Please return, Noah. You are the only person who can save me from this circumstance.

    The green-eyed man spoke up, "Look at what we've got over here, it's Emma Morales!"

    "Wait for the murder?" the man with brown eyes inquired, though it appeared to be more of a rhetorical than an actual question. He approaches me and stands squarely in front of me. "Of course it is."

    "What's a killer like you doing in this part of town, huh?" questioned the green-eyed man, not so politely.

    "Do you think you're welcome here, killer?" brown eyes enquired rhetorically.

    I began experiencing my regular panic attacks. I couldn't tell the difference between the owners' voices anymore. I thought Noah would appear and save me because, as painful as it is to acknowledge, I am weak. Years of abuse and witnessing your family's murder does that to you.

    "Hey, look at us!" exclaimed one of them.

    "Do you think you're too good to listen?" the other man questioned as he shoved me to the ground, causing me to tumble.

    "I—" I couldn't move or speak. I was hyperventilating and having such severe heart palpitations at this point in my panic attack that I believed I was going to die.

    I did what I had always done. I closed my eyes and covered my head, bracing myself for a blow.

    "I what bitch?" he yelled yet again.

    They suddenly became quiet, and after a few moments, I started to wonder if they were still there. When I looked up, Noah was beating both of them. They seemed to be unconscious, implying that the initial punches they received knocked them out cold. I watched as he repeatedly punched them. He must have punched into them with all his strength, for blood was oozing from the corners of their lips and from the creases of their brows.

    I expected him to stop after they passed out, but he didn't. Minutes passed with no one daring to move or contact the cops. Everyone was clearly terrified of Noah and what he was capable of. I, too, am terrified.

    My panic episode was worsening, but I managed to say, more like scream, "Stop!"

    That immediately piqued his interest. He shifted his gaze to me and looked me in the eyes. He could see right through everything and into the terror I was felt. He dropped the men, took a tissue, wiped his hands clean of the blood, and lowered down to meet my level as I sat on the ground.

    "Are you okay?" he asked, wrapping his enormous palms around my cheeks. "Did they hit you?"

    I was trembling violently, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't speak.

    "Love, are you okay?" he asks once more.

    He lets go of my face and instead carries me to the car by wrapping his left arm under my armpit and the other under my legs.

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