Chapter 5 (Part 2)

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I brushed off any dust that might've collected while we flew and approached the now large crowd of people. They spoke in low whispers, but because there were so many people it created more of a low tumult. Standing before the throng of people was the familiar, aged figure of Gronde with a cane. His hair was as grey and scraggly as the first time I met him. The only difference was that he didn't look unkempt anymore.

"Welcome back, Sir Avariel," he spoke softly, lowering himself to one knee in a deep bow.

Before I had a chance to stop him, everyone else followed suit as the tumult died into silence. My eyes flitted from person to person – all of them were kneeling and bowing. My brows furrowed slightly and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"Please, stand," I said, reaching out a hand.

My hood was up, so no one could really see my face. The only thing that stuck out was my ever-growing beard. His eyes drifted upward slowly and a large, sincere smile painted his features. Instead of taking my hand, he shook his head, standing himself up with effort.

"I cannot possibly take the hand of someone as transcendental as yourself."

Slowly, the rest of the townsfolk got back on their feet.

"Please, would you mind if we gave you a tour of this place? I hope it is not an inconvenience," he looked like a child that might cry if I said no.

It still felt weird having him treat me with so much admiration and glorification.

"Of course. I would be honored," I nodded with a low smile.

"No, Sir. It is be our honor," he motioned to the townspeople.

They parted for us like the sea did for Moses in the Christian bible. As we walked, the heavy thuds of Hargen's steps resounded behind us. Everyone parted even further to allow room for my companion. I could hear gasps of awe amongst the crowd as we passed.

"I see you made an entrance large enough for him," I motioned toward Hargen.

"Indeed. We assumed that there would need to be enough space for him to traverse the town without accidentally stepping on something."

"Or someone," I added with a light snicker.

"Are you aware that he is still growing, and will eventually be far too large to even set foot inside?" we passed the large doors and were now walking on well-tread dirt.

"I thought it might have been a possibility. If 'tis truly the case, then it should at least allow him to venture around until that time comes. T'would be good for everyone to grow familiar to the possible sight of a dragon venturing around the streets," he let out a hearty chuckle.

"Most of the buildings within the walls are part of the housing for the residents, as I am certain you are aware. However, we have expanded significantly since you last visited," we were nearing the center of the town. The large statue had finally come into view, and boy was I surprised.

"Is that ... a statue of me?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Yes, Sir. We wanted anyone who came to this place to understand and honor you for all you have done and might continue to do if you are so gracious," he nodded.

There was still a fair bit of scaffolding around it, with tools lying about on the various layers where people had been working until just a few minutes ago. We approached the base of it, allowing me to get a better look.

It was a little rough around the edges, so to speak, but otherwise it looked like me before my beard became a mess. As my eyes drifted down, they fell upon a stone plaque that was written in a language I couldn't read.

The Unbidden: A Nocuous  World (3) (Long Parts)Where stories live. Discover now