7. Fire Truck

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I haven't talked to Melanie in a few months. She's been working like crazy, and she even talked to E about moving out at some point in time. Pshh, whatever, man, I don't care. I did her a favor by making up that lie about us. She didn't even have to go with it as she did. She hasn't completely shut me out. I mean, we've fucked a few times before she went to Cali to stay with her brother, but that's it. I want to talk to her about everything. I feel hella bad about shit that happened. Maybe I will talk to her when she comes home as of right now though I'm chillin with a little dip from class. Her name is Monica, and she is studying psychology.

We're sitting on the couch kissing and whatever, and she slides her hand into my joggers. I pick her up and put her on my lap. As the kissing got deeper, the grips got tighter, and the grinding was getting a rise out of me. We were about to have sex when BOOM! Melanie bursts through the front door, walks over to us, pushes Monica off me, and throws a piece of paper at me. She walked upstairs after that and slammed her room door. I picked up the paper and read it. "Fuck!" I said. "What was that about?! Who is she?! And why did she put her hands on me like she knows me?!" Monica says, getting off the floor and getting dressed. "Mo, I need you to leave, alright? We'll finish what we started at a later date, but right now, you have to go." I say, opening the door for her. She leaves, and I run upstairs to Mel's room. "Yo, what the fuck is this?!" I ask, bursting through the door. "First of all, why are you bursting in here like that?! Second, what the hell do you mean? It's a pregnancy test, stupid! Congratulations, you're going to be a daddy!" She says sarcastically as she walks into her bathroom. "The hell I am! Look, you must have me messed up, Melanie? You haven't talked to me in damn near four months, and now you come at me with this!" I say, smacking the paper on her end table and walking into her bathroom. "I haven't talked to you because I was trying to figure out why I've been so fucking sick and why seeing your face annoys me so much, but now I know." She says in the mirror while she's taking her hair down. She's so beautiful I start smiling. "What?" She asks, slightly laughing. "Nothing, I guess. Look, I'm sorry I've been so distant lately, and I'm sorry for being so reckless. I hope you can forgive me?" I say, walking up and hugging her from behind. She rests her head on my chest. "What are we gonna do?" She asks. "Be the best parents we can be and hope for the best." I say, kissing her neck. "Our child is going to be short." She says. We laugh, and she turns and kisses me. "I want food." I say, breaking the kiss and walking out of the bathroom, and laying on her bed. "Do you want me to cook, or do you want to go out?" She asks, changing clothes. "We should celebrate this pregnancy. A new beginning, another life, a new relationship, and new goals to set." I say, shrugging. "Relationship?" She asks, surprised. She looked at me crazy for a minute, and then I said, "I mean yeah. Why not just go for it and date foreal?" She walks over and straddles me. We stare at each other in comfortable silence, and I rub her belly a little. She smiles and leans down to kiss me. "Can I ask you something?" She asks. I hesitate a little and then sit up on my arms. "What's up?" I ask. "Did you feel a vibe between us when we first had sex?" She asks. A quick flash went through my mind of that night. "What kind of vibe?" I ask hesitantly. She gets off of my lap and lays beside me. She sighs and says, "It was a moment when we looked in each other's eyes that created this powerful vibe. Like our souls were becoming..one..with one another. It was like a 'finally' type of vibe." I put my head down and smiled a little. "I definitely felt that." I chuckled. "What do you think it was?" She asks. I looked at her and then laughed. "I'm pretty sure that exact moment was when that baby happened." She punched my arm and laughed. "No, stupid! I mean, what do you think that meant?" She says. "I don't know, sweetheart. What do you think?" I asked. I knew exactly where this conversation was going, and I'm almost positive she wanted me to tell her how I felt about her, but it's not yet time. Not here. Not now. "I think it was a moment we needed. A release moment, you know." She continues. I nod and sit up. "Well, sweetheart, we need to get ready to go eat." I say, getting up and walking to the door. "Can we go to the beach after?" She wines. "There's a big ass pool on the roof." I say halfway into my room. "But I want to be in the sand." She says. I laugh as I change and pack a backpack for the beach and some clothes for my last-minute surprise. I hear her shower running and her bathroom door close, so I peek around the corner into her room and then pack a beach bag and some clothes for her. I load everything into the trunk of the car and head back up to my room to finish getting dressed.

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