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Emma woke up the next morning after having one of the best sleeps of her life, there was a knock on her door making her sit up and rub her eyes.

"Come in." Emma said

Jay opened the door and walked in sitting on the edge of Emma's bed as she laid back down.

"Hey, so I've got to go into work we caught a case. Why don't you come with me." Jay suggested

"Is that allowed?" Emma asked

"Yeah, I asked Sarge and he said it was fine. We leave in 30." Jay said

"Ok, let me take a shower really quick." Emma said and Jay nodded standing up

"I'll start on breakfast." Jay said

"Ok, I'll be down soon." Emma said

"Ok." Jay nodded walking out

Emma stripped her pajamas and jumped into the shower, washing her hair and body deciding to shave her legs since it was hot outside and she was planning on wearing shorts.

After getting out of the shower she dried her hair with a straightening brush and applied some mascara, blush, and lipgloss then got dressed in one of Jay's old tee shirts and jean shorts.

She put on her ring that belonged to her mother and her locket that had a picture of her Jay and Will in it before slipping on her air forces and walking down the stairs following the smell of sausage and pancakes.

"Good morning." Jay smiled

"How are you so chipper in the mornings?" Emma asked yawning

"When your a cop you get use to waking up early." Jay said handing Emma a plate

"Do you have to go to a crime scene or anything?" Emma asked

"No, everyone already went, I just told them I'd meet them at the station." Jay said

"Have you heard from Will recently?" Emma asked changing the subject

"I heard from him last week but that was about it, what about you?" Jay asked

"I haven't heard from him in a while." Emma said, "but I'm sure he's just busy."

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