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It's been 2 weeks since Emma has moved in with Jay and after getting her license it's time for her to start school. Waking up to her alarm that was set for 6:15, Emma pulled herself out of bed and into the bathroom to take a shower and do her morning routine.

After washing her hair and body, and shaving she got out of the shower and wrapped herself in a fluffy blue towel. She moved over to her counter and did her skin care before blowing her hair dry and putting it into two pigtail braids letting them hang over her shoulders before giving the pieces she pulled out to frame her face a curl with her straightener.

She quickly did a natural makeup look and walked back out into her room to find something to wear, she picked out a black dress with a white jean jacket and a pair of white converse.

Emma matched her outfit with some white ankle boots, two golden necklaces, and a pair of her moms hoop earrings that were left for her when she died.

Looking in the mirror Emma smiled back at her reflection before doing a little twirl.

"Damn, I look good." Emma smiled before putting on deodorant and spraying some perfume on, taking one last look in the mirror she grabbed her phone off the charger and put on her Apple Watch before heading down stairs where she heard Jay and Will talking as they made breakfast.

Emma walked into the kitchen and saw Jay flipping pancakes while Will scrambled eggs.

"Morning." Emma said sitting at the counter

"Morning, you look pretty this morning." Will said

"Thanks." Emma smiled accepting the eggs her laid in front of her, just as she was about to take a bite she looked up and saw Jay staring at her. "What?"

"Don't you think that dress is a little short?" Jay asked

"What? Jay it's fine." Emma shook her head

"I don't like it, it's too short." Jay said and Emma rolled her eyes before turning to Will silently begging for help

"Come on Jay, it's her first day. She looks perfect, let her make a good first impression."Will said

"Fine, but only this once." Jay said turning back to the pancakes, missing the look Emma and Will exchanged

"You excited for school?" Will asked

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