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Shortly after Emma woke up, Jay and her left the station and drove back home since everyone was done at the house. So Emma could get changed for the game.

Ms. Goodwin told Will to go home and be with Emma and Jay, so until Yates was gone the three siblings would be together 24/7. Which Emma isn't so sure she's going to like, but she knows that her brothers just want to keep her safe.

When they pulled into the driveway it looked like no one had even been there, and if it weren't for Burgess and Atwater parked down the street it would have looked like nothing ever happened.

"You go on up to your room and get cleaned up, I'll make us something for dinner so your not too hungry at the game." Jay said as he unlocked the front door

"Is it safe?" Emma asked making Jay frown

"Of course it is, I wouldn't let you come back here if it weren't safe Em. I promise." Jay said as he rubbed her back

"Ok, I'll be back soon." Emma said following Jay into the house before going up the stairs and into her room.

The room had an erie feeling to it, it didn't feel like her safe place the way your bedroom was suppose to feel. Instead she felt on edge.

She quickly grabbed a pair of dark jeans with a turquoise sweatshirt and her white boots and made her way out of her room, deciding to change in the hall bathroom.

After getting changed and putting her dirty laundry in the laundry hamper Emma made her way down the stairs where she could smell the hotdogs Jay was frying on the stove, along with their moms homemade hotdog sauce.

"Hey, I figured hot dogs were the easiest choice." Jay said when he noticed Emma step into the kitchen

"Sounds good." Emma said sitting down at the island, "where's Will?"

"He's on his way home, he stopped by to pick up some stuff at the hardware store." Jay said making Emma raise her eyebrows

"You guys aren't thinking about sticking me in a cage until you get enough evidence to arrest Yates are you?" Emma asked sarcastically making Jay roll his eyes

"Not yet, but don't give me any ideas." Jay mumbled making Emma chuckle. "Did you tell Drew you can come to the game?"

"Oh I totally forgot, I should text him." Emma nodded to herself pulling out her phone making Jay chuckle at her excitement

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