If You Could See Me Now.

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           at the end of summer,

           a boy meets a girl.

           They have been sneaking looks all night, from across opposite ends of the pool, daring each other to come closer as the night draws to an end.

           Encouraged by the warm buzz of alcohol and her new friends nagging, she goes to him first. Whispers something she won't even remember later, but she thinks maybe there's a video of it.

         And he gives her a crooked grin, and takes her hand. He leads her back inside the party, sneaking upstairs to a private room. They find a little room, abandoned.

          He sits on the edge of the couch, towel wrapped around his shoulders. He shivers, and her hands touch his shoulders. Slowly, drunkenly, she lowers herself down onto his lap. Every part of her knows being alone with him is wrong.

          At any moment the door to the little room they are hiding in could be thrown open, and they could be caught out.

            But she lets him intertwine their fingers and pull her closer towards him. He smells of weed and musky cologne. He is still rubbing his nose, from when his friends have convinced him to snort Dexies off a dinner plate an hour before.

          His hands run through her hair, and brings her warm, sweet mouth to his. His hands stray up, tracing over the flimsy straps of her bikini top.

         He has lied to her and given his name as Jace, but she has not bothered to tell him a lie or a truth. When he asks her name, she just smiles and shrugs.

        He rests his head flat against her chest, and she trails her fingers through his black hair. She is shivering as well, her wet hair dripping slowly down her back. He clutches her tighter, the warmth radiating off his skin is enough to make her dizzy.

           From behind the door, she can still hear people squealing and yelling, the end of summer party not missing them.

          His hands touch gently to her hips. The callouses on his palms gaze against her bare skin, and his fingers play with the bows on her bather bottoms. He breathes deep, and lifts his chin up so his lips rest against her neck for a moment, his soft breathing fluttering over her throat.

          His irises are startling green against the red in his eyes. His long, thick, black lashes flutter as he looks up at her, from behind them.

          He clenches and unclenches his jaw. Her eyes drop to his lips, and finds them to be shaking. His lips are full and pink. She thinks for a moment about reaching out and tracing over the soft skin with her fingertips, but runs her hands through her hair compulsively.

          He watches her as she pulls away from him. His lips half part, and a frown etches onto his face. He stands abruptly, and bends his face toward hers - he angles his lips toward hers.

         She presses her hand over his mouth. She feels him sigh and she rests her forehead on his chin.

         She squeezes her hand over his lips and can't look at him. "I can't," she utters quietly, "I can't."

         He gently pulled her hand from his mouth. Their fingertips touch as they hang at their sides. His begins to slowly trace over the back of her hand. "Stay," he says again.

        I want to — "No," she says firmly.

        "Please — please stay," he whispers urgently, his voice shaking.

        Ask me again —  "No." She closes her eyes for a moment and lets the room spin. Colours dance across her eyelids before she openes them again.

          Her stomach knots. Pain shoots through her chest. She puts her hands on his shoulders, and shakes her head.

           Her phone buzzes. They stare at each other for a minute before, before she breaks free of him.

          The chlorine still lingers in her eyes, and stings as she tries to keep them open. She finds her phone on his dresser drawer, and with twitching hands, she swipes it open.

           She bites her lip. Her skin burns hot to touch, and her knees tremble. The text is from her ex boyfriend, wanting to know what time he should pick her up tomorrow from the train station.

          A moment of hesitation lingers in the air. She turns her phone off, and goes back to the boy on the couch.

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