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              "It makes me feel fucking sick," I said, from where I stood on the bathroom bench, flicking the ash from my smoke into the soap tray.

              I stretched up on my toes, toward the window and blew out a lung full of cigarette smoke.

             "All I know is that Landon needs to chill with his drug use," Sam said and I smirked, because earlier in the night I had seen her and the Fontaine brothers examining a little baggie of theirs, full of Caps.

             Sloane was in the bathroom with us, she'd thrown up all down herself in the back yard, while Landon was out the front, freaking out.

             Sam stood in the shower with Sloane, washing the suds from her hair, from where she sat on the shower floor. Sam was trying to dodge out of the way of the water, as Corey took Sloane's clothes, with a wrinkled nose, and shoved them into a plastic bag.

             "Can I have bubbles?" Sloane muttered, resting her head back, against the tiles.

             "No. But Izzy can get the fuck down off that bench."

             I rolled my eyes and jumped down, slipping on a puddle of water and almost smacking my head against the corner of the bench. I caught myself at the last moment, my hands shaking.

             As a trail of smoke from the cigarette I held wafted toward Sam, she curled up her lip. "Can you quit smoking?" She asked me, her voice laboured, and again the ecstacy thing was on the tip of my tongue.

            "Sam? Can we go?" Ella rattled her keys, holding her arms.

             "Sure," she said. Sam turned to us, mouthing, "call me."

              As Sam left, with a glance back over her shoulder at us, Corey closed the door. Sloane was sitting on the floor of the shower, wiping the hair from her face. Corey placed her hands on her hips, and sighed.

             Corey flicked her eyes up at me, as I paced around the small bathroom space. "Sit down Izzy. You're making me jittery."

             I drew a breath and shot a look toward the door, but remembered we were with Sloane. Corey nodded once, glancing at me from the corner of her eye. I huffed and sitting on the bathroom sink. "I wanna go back out and make sure Landon is okay. Fuck Kane."

             Corey turned off the shower and dragged a towel over Sloane. She leaned back, and sighed. "Kane is a dick, agreed, but he might have a point."

             "What?" I frowned, playing with my lighter. "That I make Landon the way he is?"

              "No! Of course not!" Corey dragged Sloane up by her arms, and she took another towel and wrapped it over her hair. "He has a point in the fact that maybe you should stay away from Landon."

             "He's my friend."

            "Okay, sure, he's your friend," Corey said, wiping her face with the back of her hand. "But you gotta understand that people were saying shit about the way you were with Landon tonight."

             "And people gotta understand that I was dating him until the end of last year. I care about him still, is that a bad thing?" I asked, handing Corey the clothes Joel had dug up for Sloane to wear, a sick feeling in my gut.

             "No, it's not babe." Corey reached over Sloane, who was now sitting in the bathtub, and squeezed my hand. She rested her hand against my cheek. Corey nodded her head toward Sloane again. I could almost her hair voice ringing in my ears, people are already talking about you and Landon — what about you and Cole?

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