Just the beginning

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TW!!! Graphic scenes described. Proceed at own risk!!!!

What you wearing

What you wearing

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Coat over top

"This is supposed to help FP!"

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"This is supposed to help FP!"

My scream echoed through the garage as we starred down at Jason's varsity Jacket. Frustration ran through me as I looked at the four who stood in front of me.

"Y/n calm down~" Archie began before I quickly cut him off.

"No, no, no! Do you not understand. We're supposed to get FP out of prison not bring forward more evidence against him." I snapped, my brain racking for any reason why they did this.

"Yeah, I agree." Kevin began. "Looks like more incriminating evidence to me." I nodded along.

"This just confirms that my dad torched Jason's getaway car." Jughead sighed, leaning on the table.

"And...that his confession was true." Kevin mumbled, rubbing betty's arm.

"Why would FP say Jason's varsity jacket is dangerous? What could that mean.l Betty questioned. I could practically see the gears in her brain turning as she starred down at the blue and yellow jacket.

"I can ask my father." A familiar voice said as they walked into the garage. The five of us turned around watching as Veronica walked closer to us. "He would know, considering we found concrete proof that he hired the serpents to kill Jason. Which probably mean that your dad pulled the trigger, Jughead. I'm sorry."

Letting out a deep sigh I put my head in my hand while using the other one to rub juggies back, comforting him the best way I could.

"No." I simply stated. "No." Again. "No!" And again. "No, I'm not giving up yet." I harshly lifted the varsity jacket into my hands and turning Archie. "Put this on."

"What?" He questioned as I quickly pulled the jacket over his....toned body might I add.

"Put it on." I repeated as I helped him slip his arm through the sleeves. Completely tugging the jacket on, I starred down at the blue and gold material flush against Archie body, thinking for a moment.

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