Southside high

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What you wearing

What you wearing

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The amount of tears streaming down her face way heartbreaking. Feeling the deadly pulling on my heart strings made me push away any feeling I held towards her at the moment and I quickly rose from my bed.

"Mom?" I questioned, feeling my own voice quiver as the fragile, broken woman stood before me. Slowly she reached out for my hand. Confused, I held out my own, letting her warm hand embrace mine as she pulled me out of the comfort of my bedroom. Leading my down the hallway she slowly pushed betty's door open, getting the blonds immediate attention.

"Here for round two?" Betty snarked, clearly referring to the tear down the three of us had in the kitchen earlier today when mom found out we published the article. Not taking any notice to the vibrant tear stains on our mother's cheeks, or the way her body language showed clear discomfort. Mom slowly walked towards betty's bed, taking me with her and sitting down.

Betty quickly shot me a confused, worried look before mom could speak. Which in turn all I did was shrug my shoulders, just as confused as she was.

"There are some secrets that are so not only hide them from the world, but you hide them from yourself." Mom began, squeezing my hand tighter.

"What do you mean?" Betty asked, her voice taking a lighter tone.

"The night of....the homecoming, when your father and I were crowned king and queen. The fight that FP saw. I had just told you father I was pregnant. And we disagreed on how best to handle....things."

I physically flinched at the words that fell from her mouth. Slowly being my feel hand to gently wipe some of the tears off her gentle face, I hummed in understanding, letting her finish.

"And we had a really big fight. And the next day, I went away." She continued to cry as I held her tighter then I've ever held anyone.

"To the sisters of quiet mercy." Betty sighed, slowly making her way towards the bed.

"And five months later, your brother was born." She continued, pain seeping through her voice. "The sisters arranged for a quiet adoption. It's the biggest regret of my life."

"Oh, my god. Mommy. I'm so sorry." I cried, feeling my hot tears spill form my eyes as she tightened her grip on my hand.

"No, I'm sorry, baby." She sobbed, embracing me in a hug. For nearly an hour my mother held me as we both sobbed. She held me tighter then she has ever held me before as my sister sat there, rubbing her back in a soothing manner. I have a brother.


Coat over outfit

"The crazy thing is, We have a secret brother out there in the world

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"The crazy thing is, We have a secret brother out there in the world." Betty smiled as she explained today's events to Ronnie and Archie. I sat on the arm of the couch next to Archie as he slowly rubbed my back.

"It's positively Dickensian. I love a long-lost brother." Veronica laughed, her voice filled with pure joy. "How old would he be?"

"Mid-twenties." I answered. Quickly doing the math in my head. "Wait, is that right?"!I asked none in particular, doubting my terrible math skills.

"Yes, y/n/n. You're right." Betty laughed.

"Oh, my god." Ronnie sighed happily. "A blond Adonis, no doubt." Feeling the constant buzz of my phone in my pocket I quickly took it out, jugheads name appearing on the screen. Hitting the answer button I brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hey, juggie, where are you?" I questioned. His voice slipped from the other side of the phone. The words sending a deadly pound in my chest. "What? What do you mean don't worry about you-juggie? Jughead!?"

"Where is he?" Betty asked, clearly picking up on the worry in my voice.

"Southside high." I sighed, turning of my phone and standing form the couch. "He said it's where he belongs and that no one wants him here."!

"Ugh. FP warned me Jughead would cut himself off, go to the dark side." Archie informed, leaning his elbows on his knees. Running my fingers through my hair I felt my heart rate increase.

"Archie, we can't let him do that." Betty insisted, saying what we were all thinking. With a simple shared look we all darted out of the common room, running down the hallways and out of the school.


Jugheads POV

"I didn't tell you because you guys would've tired to stop me." I mumbled, staring down at my feet that were covered in snow like an icy blanket.

"Damn right." Veronica snapped, hitting me on the shoulder. "And we're still gonna try."

"Veronica, Betty. The southside is where the powers-that-be want me. Maybe I wanna be here as well. I may blend in better here. And it would keep you guys safe." I explained, truthfully wanting nothing more than to go back into that school and finish my burger.

"I'm not letting riverdale's civil war split our gang apart, jug." Betty sighed, placing an hand on my shoulder.

"What you think they're talking about? They're each others soulmates. Good for them don't you think?" Veronica questioned, directing our attention towards Archie and y/n who stood about a metre away. He had her pressed up against the hood of a car, starring into her eyes, uttering simple words that made her laugh that laugh that could melt a sea of men.

"I guess." Betty shrugged, moving her hand away from my shoulder and shoving them Into her pockets. I know her and Archie slept together the night of my birthday, the night we broke up. I caught her sneaking out, but could she really still have feeling for him.

"Jughead, what about- oh hold on." Veronica began but was interrupted by the loud chime of her cellphone. Pulling it out of her pocket, she read the message out loud.

"Thanks for trying. Im gonna be with Jason now?"

"Wait, Cheryl sent you that?" I asked, my attention being caught quickly. Their brains clearly didn't connect the dots as quickly as mine did as they stood for a moment.

"Oh, my god." Veronica gasped, finally connecting the dots. "Where would Cheryl go to be with Jason?"

"Sweetwater river." Betty answered, understanding fully now. "We have to go. Guys, we have to go!"

This was kinda boring but I promise it'll get better quickly!! <3

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