We are nudists (part 4)

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It was dinner time later that Sunday. At the Midoriya house, Inko was sitting in the living room with a healthy meal made just for herself and the TV on tuned to her favorite channel that played her Korean romance drama shows. She missed making meals with her son Izuku, but since he's gone to UA, and after the whole Camino Ward incident from a year ago , he's now living on the campus grounds at their built dormitory buildings with every student that attends the school. But her son will always try to make the time to call her and talk, or even visit on the weekends. She knew Izuku was growing up. He was becoming a responsible young man, able to care for himself. And the fact that five days ago he called her and told her that he was now dating someone made her extremely happy.

" I wonder how Izuku is tonight," she says to herself, smiling.

Yesterday was still vivid in her mind. Izuku came home with Ochako to have dinner with her, and also introduce her to his darling mother. She really loved the girl. Ochako was one of his first true best friends made since starting UA a year ago. And they have been through a lot of stuff together. A nice family dinner, being able to tell embarrassing funny stories about Izuku when he was a little boy, Ochako giggling and loving every minute of the visit, and Izuku a blushing stuttering mess as he gets playfully teased for being such a little cutie pie as a little boy. Inko could definitely tell that Izuku was so in love with Ochako, and she was so in love with Izuku.

Inko made the kids promise to stop by again another time so they could have a wonderful family meal together.

Her house phone starts ringing.

"Oh? Who could that be?"

She gets up to check the caller ID on the phone, and recognized the name.

"All Might?" She answers it. "Moshi moshi?"

"Hello, M r s. Midoriya, it's Toshinori."

"Hello, All Might. Is everything okay? My son's not hurt or anything, is he?"

"No, no, no, nothing bad happened to young Midoriya. I just have some personal questions if it's alright with you."

Inko hums softly. "Okay, what's the question?"

"This may sound crazy, but... are you aware of your son going around nude here at the dorms at school?" the retired Pro Hero asked.

"Oh... I see." Inko sighs. "Well, I'm surprised, but then again, not all that surprised."


"A couple years ago I went to a nudist resort with Izuku when he was seven. One time thing. Never went to one again. But sometimes I'd catch my son naked in the house, mostly in his bedroom. Guess he took to the nudist lifestyle. I don't mind if he does so long as he respects the boundaries of his friends and his own privacy. I'll bean him with a rolling pin if he's doing something he's not supposed to like flashing people... which I highly doubt my darling son would never do devious things like that."

" I see. "

" Of course, yesterday during dinner when I was introduced to his darling girlfriend Ochako, they had admitted to me that they spent a weekend being naked together, as Ochako herself as a child went to a nudist location with her parents. Though it was also a one-time deal like with me. I suspected they may have had sex, too, but I trust my son to not make rash judgments like unprotected sex, if it WAS the case. Good thing I bought him a box of condoms if he ever does have sex on his seventeenth birthday ... "

Inko smiles to herself.

"That darling son of mine is becoming a man. And I'm very happy he's able to achieve his dreams. He's got a lovely girlfriend, wonderful friends who'll stick by him no matter what happens, and his teacher Aizawa is a wonderful and caring man despite being rough around the edges. Not to mention Izuku loves being Eri's big brother in her life, and Ochako the big sister." The woman giggles. "As long as Izuku's happy, I'm happy."


"Uh... All Might? Sir? Are you there?"

At U A, in his office, Toshinori Yagi had fainted, again. It was the comment about his successor being nude with Uraraka over the weekend thing that made him feel faint, but the sex comment definitely KO'ed him.

" All Might? Are you there? Answer me. " Inko's voice trailed out from the dropped phone.

Lucky for Toshinori, Nemuri Kayama had entered to check up on the man as it was getting late and the sun was setting, and found the unconscious man on the floor. Toshinori would wake up the next morning in the nurse's office.

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