We are nudists (part 7)🍋

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Things for Class 2-A was relatively normal when you're part of the Hero Course. Well, aside from learning that two of your classmates were apparently nudists and having caught said couple nude in the dormitory's common area upon returning from a weekend training trip. But still, things were normal enough... school life, homework, student rivalries, fighting villains...

It was Wednesday when during lunch, Ochako shifted topics with Izuku.

"Hey, Izu?"

"Yes, Ocha?"

"I just realized... ever since we started going out, we've never had an actual date."

Izuku blinked.

"Crap, you're right." Izuku sets his chopsticks down and focused on his girlfriend. "Well, we can look for things to do on our date, sweetie, after school."

Ochako smiled, leans in and kisses him lightly.

"You're such a good boyfriend."

Izuku blushes and smiles.

Then they realize they weren't alone.

"So... going on your first date, eh?" Ashido teases with a grin.

Ochako also blushed.

"Well, it's only fair since we ARE dating and everything..."

"Was that before or after we caught you na-"

Ashido's mouth was covered by Yaoyorozu.

"We're in the cafeteria. Do not finish that sentence, Ashido," the onyx-eyed girl told the pinkette.

Mineta's perverted giggle got him a kick to the shin.

Hitoshi Shinso, who has been sitting with the group today, blinked.

"You two are dating?" he questions the couple.

They nodded.

Shinso hums to himself in a quick though. "I see. You two look adorable together. Congrats."

That got the couple to increase the shade of their blush two times brighter as they focus back to eating their lunch. Hagakure and Ashido giggle to themselves. Later that day after school ended, Izuku and Ochako were the first ones out the door the second Aizawa dismissed the class to return to the dorms.

"Wow, guess broccoli boy's excited about making sure his date goes off well with Uraraka," comments Jiro.

Ashido was smiling.

"Makes me wonder just what Midori's got planned."

"He'll come up with something. He's good at that stuff," says Hagakure, remembering that their resident cinnamon roll was good when it came to planning around other people's quirks.

"We'll just need to get details from 'Chako after the date," said Ashido.

The couple had gotten back to the dorms. Ochako had hitched a piggyback ride on Izuku who safely used his quirk to speed walk them through the school until sprinting the second they crossed through the front doors of the school.

"That was fun," she said with a giggle, hopping off her boyfriend's back.

Izuku smiled and laughed. "So glad you liked the ride. Thank you for choosing Midoriya Speed Travel," he jokes.

Ochako giggled even more, slapping him on the ass.

"So, how do you want to do this?"

"Well... a place to eat is always a plus," says Izuku. "But we each can plan one event to surprise the other. And I can look up a place where we can enjoy a meal together. How's that, dear?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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