Chapter ten

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Mabel and Noah got the flat they moved in a couple of weeks ago, Isabella started p1 she had school today, It was 7:45 and Mabel's alarm went off she got up and went into Isabella and Owen's room, she woke them up, she got Isabella dressed, Owen had play group, she got him dressed next, she made their lunch and had a quick fag and then she got dressed herself, Noah slept on the couch last night for some reason so he was still sleeping, Mabel went out the door with the kids, she plugged them in and drove away, she dropped Isabella of first, and then Owen, she was on her way back home, she parked the car on the side of the road, there was a path that took you to the front door, and there was a wee gate into the garden as there where 2 hedges that needed cut on either side of the gate, she opened the front door, and shut it behind her, Noah was making himself sandwich for breakfast, Mabel sat the keys on the hall cupboard and went into the kitchen," Morning babe" she said," Morning" said Noah, " Howcome you slept on the couch last night" asked Mabel," too hot" said Noah," aw" said Mabel giving him a hug," What's the matter babe" said Noah hugging her back," Am tired I can't get to sleep, am constantly having to go out in the car" said Mabel looking up at him," I love you" said Noah, " Love you too" said Mabel.

Mabel was driving to her mums, she got there and walked in the house, she went in the living room and lay on the couch," Well hello" said her mum coming in," Hi" said Mabel yawning," What's wrong with you" said her mum," Am so tired and I never get to sleep" said Mabel," Where's the kids" she asked," School and play group" said Mabel," Where's Noah" she asked," Sitting on his arse all day" said Mabel," Does he not help" asked mum," Nope he does nothing mum, he won't even pick the kids up from school and that" said Mabel," Well get him to do shit then" said mum," I am trying, I love him too much to loose him" said Mabel," I know but if he does fuck all then whats the point in keeping him" said mum," I know, but the kids are too young to not have a dad" said Mabel," Well they would still see him but" said mum," I know" said Mabel," I don't know what to do" said Mabel getting up," Anyway I better get going and tidy up and do my dishes" said Mabel," Right call me if you need anything" said Kaleigh giving her a hug.

Mabel got home, Noah had left his Dishes on the living room floor, while he was upstairs," Noah" said Mabel," What" said Noah," Come down and move you dishes into the sink am fucking sick of it" said Mabel, Noah came down and moved his dishes," You do fuck all around here" said Mabel," That's not true" said Noah," What do you do then" said Mabel," Lots of things" said Noah," Right name 1 thing" said Mabel, Noah was thinking," Exactly you have nothing to say because you don't do a thing" said Mabel throwing plates into the sink to get washed," Al go and pick the kids up later then" said Noah," No you fucking won't, you will stay here and tidy your fucking mess, your not going anywhere until it's tidy, am fucking sick of doing everything, you hardly even spend time with your fucking kids" said Mabel getting really annoyed," I do" said Noah," Don't fucking answer back, you don't do anything with them, i take them out pick them up, i take them for clothes, you know what Noah just get out of my house, i don't want to see you here anymore" said Mabel," What no you can't do this" said Noah," Watch me" said Mabel, Noah walked out, Mabel started crying, she smashed a plate.

She phoned her mum to go and get the kids for her, 20 minutes later and her mum came in with them, Mabel was sitting on the couch watching a movie," Hello mummy" said Isabella," Hello honey" said Mabel giving them a hug," Right go and get changed kids" said Kayleigh, Mabel started crying again," I hate this mum" said Mabel crying in her arms," I know, but it's for the best" said Kayleigh kissing her forehead, " Mummy where's daddy" said Isabella, Mabel rubbed her eyes, trying not to show she's crying," He's away out the now, he will be back soon" said Mabel," I can't lie to them" said Mabel wiping her eyes," And you shouldn't have to" said Mum.

Mabel's mum was away home now, and it was just Isabella and Owen and her in the house, Mabel packed all of Noah's stuff and put it in the hallway for him to come and collect later, Noah had bought himself a car 2 months ago, so he had that and Mabel had the Auldi white, anyway Mabel was making dinner, she took the photo of her and Noah of the fridge and put it in the bin, she started to cry again, she was sniffing, the dinner was ready, " Kids dinner" said Mabel shouting them, they sat and ate their dinner, Noah came in the door, Mabel got up and walked through," Your stuff is through there" said Mabel," Can we talk about this" said Noah," Nope, there is nothing to talk about" said Mabel," The fact that i love you and i always have" said Noah" Then why do you not do anything" said Mabel," I will try harder please baby" said Noah," No just get out please" said Mabel," Babe please i love you, you know that I do, And us being like this is breaking me bit by bit, and we both know it's doing the same to you, so please babe, i am begging you give me another chance" said Noah, Mabel looked at him and then looked at the kids," get out please" said Mabel," Don't make this harder" said Mabel, Noah looked at her and smiled and walked out, he got in his car, Mabel looked at him with a tear coming down her face, Noah drove off, She shut the door and locked it, she had finished her dinner and put her plate in the sink, she went and sat on the couch on her phone, Isabella and Owen where playing.

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