Chapter Fourteen

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It was a Saturday afternoon at 2:48 and, a few of Olli's friends were coming over to watch the football with him and have a couple of drinks, Noah had asked Mabel if he could see the kids and Mabel was going with them just in case anything happened as she didnt want to leave them alone, she was doing her makeup and getting ready while the kids were getting their shoes on, Steph was babysitting Cooper today and tonight as Mabel would have a couple of drinks with the guys later, she finished getting ready and got her jacket and shoes on, she walked down the stairs and Olli was in the kitchen on his phone, " I am going to go now" said Mabel putting her phone in her bag," Okay baby" said Olli, Mabel gave him a kiss, " If anything happens call me" said Olli," Okay babe really don't want to do this but it's his kids" said Mabel, " I love you" said Olli," I love you" said Mabel giving him a hug.

Her and the kids got in the car and started driving, they got to the restaurant and got out the car, the kids ran up to their dad," Daddy" they both shouted while hugging him, " I have missed you's so much" said Noah lifting them up, they got into the restaurant and sat down at a table, " Hi" said Noah to Mabel," Hi" said Mabel back, Noah was talking to the kids," How's you" asked Noah to Mabel," Your here to see my kids not me" said Mabel," you mean our kids, I have not seen you or spoke to you in months and you havent said one word to me" said Noah," Do you really want me to say something to you, fine I will, I fucking hate you, you tried to sneak things into my kids pockets to try and get back with me, you nearly ruined my relationship, so yeah if you want me to say something then it's fuck off, because If I had my way my kids would never see you again, but since I am nice I brought them to see you and for you too see them not me, so make the most of the time you have with them" said Mabel," Your making this completely more worse than what it really is" said Noah," Don't fucking blame this on me, this is all your doing" said Mabel getting up and taking a fag out her pocket she walked out the restaurant and lit her fag, she messaged Olli.

( Olli Bold + Mabel normal)

" Hi please tell me to calm down xx"                " Calm down babe xx"           " Thanks xx"             " How's it going xx"            " Just want to fucking kill him xxx"             " Really that bad xxx"       " You have no idea xxx"                         " Wish I could be there xxx"                 " remember what happened the last time xxx"                            " He deserved it xxx"               " True I need to go back in now but I love you and I will be home soon💕💕xxx"                   " I love you ❤❤ xxx"

Mabel walked back in and sat down, she sat on her phone while they where still talking, 2 hours later and they where getting ready to say bye, they walked out the restaurant the kids gave their dad a hug and got in the car, " I don't ever want you to say they things in front of the kids again, and the things I said I mean it" said Mabel, " I am really really sorry for everything that happened and I regret everything but I was annoyed and couldnt think about anything because all i actually thought about was you and you might think I am crazy but I honestly do love you" said Noah," If only I could believe you and trust you but I don't and I can't" said Mabel opening her car door," I am going to try anything and everything to prove you that you can trust me and I am going to turn my life around, which means I am going to quit drinking all the time and getting into fights" said Noah, " Shh" said Mabel closing the car door as the kids would hear, " I need to go" said Mabel.

They arrived home the kids walked into the house and Mabel was sitting in the car crying, " Hi Olli" said the kids" Hey" he said back, he knew Mabel would be sitting in the car so he walked out to get her, Olli opened the passenger door and got in, Mabel wiped her eyes so he couldnt tell she was crying, Mabel looked at him and smiled, " You don't need to pretend with me, I know your upset and annoyed" said Olli," I don't know what I have done to make him so annoyed and to do the things he is doing" said Mabel," You don't need to worry about him he is 23 he's old enough to look after himself" said Olli grabbing her hand," yeah but I keep thinking that maybe if me and him never slept together when we were talking then maybe we would be fine but I have ruined us and ruined the relationship that he has with the kids" said Mabel," Babe look at me he is a dick and a cunt he doesnt deserve you" said Olli," I know babe" said Mabel wiping her eyes, " he said he is going to turn his life around and stop drinking" said Mabel," Do you really believe that" said Olli," I don't fucking know what to believe anymore" said Mabel looking at her phone," Lets go inside and I'll run you a bath" said Olli," Okay" said Mabel giving him a kiss.

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