20. No goodbyes

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Jason's P.O.V:
"He what?!" - I exclaimed through the phone

"Uh.. yeah, that's what we got" - Khalil quietly uttered

"When did he send it?" - I tried to stay calm

"Yesterday" - he briefly answered

"Why the f*ck you didn't tell me right away?" - I quietly said trough gritted teeth

"Answer me!" - I exclaimed

"We didn't want to ruin your time together" - he mumbled. Alright, I may understand they know how I value my time with Y/n.

"You could've at least message me" - I mumbled and looked up at the celling.

"Alright, it doesn't matter anymore, let's meet at our spot" - I quietly uttered and hanged up.

I walked in the bathroom and saw Y/n brushing her hair, she saw me through the mirror and faced me.

"What happened?" - she asked. I didn't say anything and embraced her in a tight hug, breathing in her mind-loosing scent. She gently massaged my scalp and I got lost in some kind of paradise.

"Jase?" - she whispered, snapping me out of my daydreams.

"We'll meet up with the guys tonight" - I pulled away and looked in her beautiful eyes.

"That means we're moving out?" - she wondered unsurely

"I guess" - I shrugged

"Jase, I-" - she started

"Shh" - I put my finger against her lips to shush her. She pulled me in a hug again and I tightly hugged her back, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you" - I whispered

"I love you, too" - she said back and pecked my lips.

"So, what's the plan?" - Dean asked. Now we were at gang's house. Y/n sat right besides me with my arm wrapped around her.

"May I ask what happened?" - Y/n asked

"We received a message from Derek's gang, they're on their way"

Y/n's P.O.V:
"That's all we got and I think we all understand what does that mean" - Dean continued and everyone's eyes were on me.

"H-he wants to take me?" - I asked with concern

"As well as to take revenge on Jason"

"We can't just sit and wait" - Jason lowly said

"We can't let him take her" - he continued and pulled me into his body protectively. Jason sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I knew he was hurting and it was hurting me seeing him like that.

"We have only one option" - Khalil uttered and everyone looked at me with sympathy in their eyes. I immediately understood what they meant, to say that I was scared is to say nothing, but if that meant to save Jason I was ready to do it for his sake.

              —————a few days later—————

His hands were tightly hugging my body, while he showered me with loving kisses. I gripped his hair and sat on top of him, leaving no space between us.

"I want you" - I whispered under my breath

"Y/n-" - he gently mumbled

"Please" - I begged. For some reason I felt like it was likely the last moments together and we won't see each other for some time. I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want to make him sad, I just wanted to spend this night together in his warm and tight embrace.

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