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THE GLEE CLUB was busy running through Mr Schuester's choreography however Rachel- who was usually the most energetic and excited to learn dances- seemed out of it. 
"Can- can we stop please?" She shouted over the piano playing. In some ways, Marie was glad they stopped because nobody was really getting it right.
"You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel, you can just go-"
Rachel rolled her eyes and stated in a pointed tone,
"It's not my bladder."
Mr Schue frowned at her, confused.
"It's the choreography."
He turned around to face her,
"Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?"
Rachel hesitated before beginning again,
"We can't compete with Vocal Adrenaline with these steps- you're a great vocal coach Mr Schue- but you're not a trained choreographer."
Throughout her little rant, Marie noticed Quinn staring at Rachel, as if she was egging her on. There was definitely something going on.
"That's what we need to be the best! We need Dakota Stanley."
Marie folded her arms, "Who's Dakota Stanley?"
Quinn and Santana turned to her,
"He's the best choreographer in the midwest!"
"He was an understudy on Broadway!"
Mr Schuester leant on the piano,
"Just because he understudied, doesn't mean he ever performed!"
Quinn focused her death stare on Mr Schue. 
"Did you ever perform Mr Schuester?"
The room was quiet. How could she talk to a teacher like that?
"After High-School. Did you even try?"
Luckily, at that moment the bell rang and Marie was more than happy to escape the choir room.


The glee club had nothing to do. The two people in charge- Mr Schuester and Rachel- were nowhere to be seen. Finn was sat playing on the piano, Quinn, Brittany and Santana were gossiping about something or another and Kurt was braiding Mercedes's hair, who was braiding Tina's hair while Artie and Marie talked about whatever. Their attention was suddenly brought to Rachel, who stormed in with a plate of decorated cookies.
"He's not coming."
She stated, still stood there with the cookies.
"What happened?" Finn questioned.
Rachel began to explain how she had tried to talk to him, but he had started some acapella hip hop group and he thought we should hire Dakota Stanley. With her final sentence, she placed the cookies on the piano.
"Of course he doesn't want anything to do with us after you kicked him in the nads!" Finn argued. Rachel folded her arms,
"Then why did he thank me?"
Santana decided to join in,
"The goal is to win. And now that Mr Schuester has agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley, we can."
Finn looked at the ground,
"But he doesn't want us to- he just doesn't have the confidence to coach us anymore. Guys are real sensitive when it comes to this kind of stuff..."
Rachel seemed offended by this,
"And that's my fault?"
Finn raised his eyebrows,
"You see anyone else in here with a plate of 'I'm Sorry' cookies? I don't, just you."
Marie giggled at that. 
Quinn stood up,
"I'm bored. All those in favour of hiring Dakota Stanley?"
Everyone except Finn and Artie raised their hands. Rachel glared pointedly at Finn before storming out. Marie looked at everyone before asking,
"Are those cookies still up for grabs?"


the Glee club piled out of Kurt's car, outside of Carmel High School.
"Damn Kurt, this car is fly!" Mercedes commented. Kurt smiled and removed his sunglasses,
"My dad got it for my sweet sixteen after I swore I'd stop wearing form fitting sweaters that stop at the knee."
Everyone stared at his current outfit.
"What he doesn't know, won't hurt him."
Everyone began to head towards the school.
"Are we even sure they're rehearsing today?" Quinn questioned, to which Rachel responded,
"Vocal Adrenaline rehearses every day from 2:30 to midnight!"
"Jesus-" Marie replied, walking next to Tina and Rachel. The three of them couldn't help but notice Mercedes and Kurt's conversation and overhear their conversation. They all exchanged glances- how naïve was Mercedes? Kurt was so obviously gay! All of a sudden, Rachel noticed a girl bent over a bin and pushed her way to the front,
"Guys! That's Andrea Cohen! She won outstanding solo-ist last year at Absolutely Tampastic!"
Marie did not have a clue what any of that meant, but she overheard the girl standing next to Andrea saying,
"You can't leave rehearsals for any reason- that includes Heat Exhaustion or Chromes Disease!" 
Rachel saw her opportunity and she walked straight up to the girls,
"Are you guys Vocal Adrenaline? We'd like to talk to Dakota Stanley about choreographing for our Glee Club!"
Typical Rachel- never reading the room. Andrea looked up from the bin and told them,
"Don't! He's a monster!"

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