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MARIE HEADED into glee rehearsal slightly later than usual to find Mr Schuester handing out sheet music. She went to stand next to Rachel who seemed to be happy with the song choice.
"West Side Story, huh?" Marie commented. Rachel's face turned sour and she looked up,
"Excuse me, this isn't the right key..." 
Mr Schuester glanced back at Rachel,
"No, it's actually the right key."
Rachel frowned,
"This is the alto part-"
Mr Schue was unbothered,
"Tina's doing the solo."
Marie smiled at Tina and gave her thumbs up. Rachel, however, took the news very differently.
"I'm sorry, there must have been some sort of mix-up- I thought I made it very clear that anything from West Side Story goes to me? Maria is my part! Natalie Wood was a Jew you know!"
Nobody except Mr Schuester was really paying any attention to Rachel but she carried on,
"I've had a very deep personal connection to this role from the age of one!"
"Well I'm trying to shake things up a bit, get us out of our boxes." Mr Schue reasoned. 
"You're trying to punish me!" Rachel responded, angry.
"I think you're being irrational!" 
"I think you're being unfair!"
Marie was surprised at the anger,
"Hey, Rachel, take it easy!"
Rachel whipped round to glare at her,
"Don't tell me to take it easy!"
"I think you're being unfair to Tina- who might have been happy about getting her first solo!" Mr Schue was slowly losing it with Rachel.
"Tina knows how much I respect her and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria!"
Looking at Tina's face, Marie wasn't sure she did agree.
"Wait..... I'm a jet?" Mercedes butted in. Mr Schuester frowned at her. Rachel suddenly stormed out of the choir room. Not anything too out of the ordinary. 
"The more times she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has." Artie reasoned.
Mr Schue was stood at the piano, when he suddenly spun around and said,
"Congratulations Tina. This is going well!"
Everyone grinned at Tina and Marie gave her a mini round of applause.


The cheerios stretched on the football field, watching the players being put through their paces when someone Marie never thought she'd see on the field walked out with Finn. What was Kurt doing trying out for football? Marie was confused- yet intrigued so she decided to watch it play out. Kurt seemed to be warming up- when all of a sudden, 'Single Ladies' by Beyonce began to blast out of a boom-box. Kurt began to dance along which made Marie grin. Even though all the football players were laughing at him, Kurt was out there giving it his all- though Marie wasn't quite sure how this related to football. Next thing anyone knew, Kurt had booted the ball and it soared way above the stands, exactly where he had wanted it to go. She couldn't help herself- Marie began to cheer and clap for him. She spotted Mike at the back of the crowd who was also clapping- so she waved. He waved back and began to walk towards her. 
"Hey Mike!" She called.
"Hey Marie!" He called back, "That was quite a show!"
She laughed with him,
"Yeah, it was! See- Glee Club and Football are becoming more intertwined- now's your chance!"
He smiled at her,
"As much as I would love to join, did you not see how Kurt was being mocked?"
She pouted at him,
"But that's the trick, isn't it? Kurt didn't care- so you shouldn't either!"
Mike's smile faded a little,
"I really wish it was that easy...."
The mood had dropped a little, so Marie tried to pick it back up again,
"Hey, big game coming up!"
He smiled a bit more,
"Oh yeah! About that! I wanted to make a deal with you!"
She was intrigued by this- what could he want from her?
"Go on.." She replied, earning a smirk from him,
"If we win the game- which has gone from a 30-70 chance to a 50-50 chance with Kurt now on the team- I get to take you to Breadstix."
Marie was taken aback by this- Mike wanted to take her on a date? They had only spoken a couple of times. Still- he was nice guy so who was she to refuse?
"That's a deal! But, on one condition."
Mike raised his eyebrows,
"It's conditional? Am I not enough for you?"
He grinned, proving he was just joking and Marie gave a smile back,
"If you win and I agree to go to Breadstix with you, you have to at least consider joining Glee Club!"
Mike mocked anger,
"Oh come on, you can't do that!"
Marie carried on smiling,
"Yes I can! It's not like I'm forcing you to actually join!"
Mike smiled again,
"You know what- I accept your conditions!"
The two had reached an agreement they were both satisfied with.
"Great! I'll see you at the game- or if I see you around, I'll see you then," Marie said.
"Alright, see you!"
And with that, Marie headed off of the pitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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