chapter 23

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❝ Time is Ticking. ❞

no one is talking. they just pass by eachother, nobody wants to talk about what happened days ago.

"hello? y/n?" Someone outside their front door knocked, y/n groaned, not wanting to move but the person won't stop knocking the door,

"okay I don't know what's your problem but stop fucking knocking the door" y/n snapped as soon as she opens to door, not looking to who is in front of her properly.

"I-i'm sorry...." The person was taken back, y/n recognized the voice and looked up, she immediately regretted what she said.

"oh god- I'm so sorry Jisung- I'm just- fuck!" y/n started to ramble words, making the boy chuckle,

"y/n it's okay, I understand, but may I go in please?" Jisung asked as he shudders from the coldness if the weather, it was a very gloomy weather which is a bit odd...

y/n nodded and stands beside the door, making a path for Jisung.

"you know, in weathers like this, there's legend where these things ride down at the storms," y/n broke the silence between them, they were just at the balcony, relaxing themselves.

"what are the things called?" Jisung asked, he was genuinely curious, you never know if they were true or not.

"Ghost Riders." Y/n looked at him, making eye contact with Jisung for at least 10 seconds till a lightning struck just really near the house.

"fuck" Jisung's breathing hitched, y/n noticed that Jisung got really startled which she thinks is adorable

"Wanna go in and drink hot choco?" y/n held Jisung's hand gently, she noticed how Jisung was shaking so she held it,

"of course...." Jisung agreed in a low-tone, his heart skipping beats because of the unexpected affection.

They both went in while holding hands, which Jeongyun noticed as he passes by them.

"you guys better keep things low lovebirds" Jeongyun snickered
"shut up old man" y/n clapped back, making Jisung chuckle

"Hi hyung" jisung waved
"Why hello there child" Taeil smiled, he was sitting at the dining room, drinking coffee while reading a book

"Here's your hot choco" y/n said as she passes a hot choco to jisung
"Thanks y/n"

"So... What brings you here? I forgot to ask that awhile ago" y/n asked as she sips her hot choco

"Oh... I thought you just needed company and someone to talk with after you know... him" Jisung cautiously said the last thing, so it wouldn't sound like it's nothing.

"Thank you Jisung... How's everything back at yours tho?" y/n asked

"It's not as fun.... Chenle is back being so busy for his company, everyone has been so distant including me, we weren't close with him as much you were close with him but we all got some relationship with him" Jisung explained to his side of the story, it made y/n feel bad somehow;

"Can I.... Go with you when you go home?" y/n asked, which made Jisung choke from his hot choco

"Oh god- what happened!?" y/n asked as she pats Jisung's back
"nothing- you sure you wanna go there?" Jisung coughed out

"Why? Is there anything wrong?" Y/n worriedly asked, she noticed how Jisung looks uneasy, yet, he answered

"like what I've said, distant." Jisung sighed after he said those words, as much as he wants to have their old-selves back, he knew it'll take quite awhile.

y/n just quietly nod, understanding their situation.

"you could come by here anytime, you know that right?" y/n reassured Jisung, which made the boy look at the girl with soft eyes, nodding with a smile.

"I gotta uhm... go back now..." Jisung said as he looks at his watch, seeing how it's nearly dinner time.

"yeah sure... I'll escort you to the door" y/n said as she stands up, putting her empty mug on the kitchen counter, so did jisung.

"thank you for today, Jisung." y/n looked right at his eyes, showing how sincere and thankful she really is,

"anytime, anytime." Jisung smiled, it was his signature smile, the way Jisung's lips formed into a heart shape while his upper gums were fully exposed and his eyes shrinked made y/n smile back out of pure instinct.

Jisung walked out and y/n closed the door, as she looked back she saw a panicked Taeil.

"hey hey, what's wrong?" y/n asked with pure concern in her voice,
"We have a problem."

HELP LOOK WHOS BACK FROM THE DEAD 😀😋😋 the last time I updated was Aug 2 n the last time I opened this draft/chapter was at the 5th 💀💀💀 dont ask why it took me time to update, bc honestly, idk too 😭💀 this was kinda like a filler chapter hon...

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HELP LOOK WHOS BACK FROM THE DEAD 😀😋😋 the last time I updated was Aug 2 n the last time I opened this draft/chapter was at the 5th 💀💀💀 dont ask why it took me time to update, bc honestly, idk too 😭💀 this was kinda like a filler chapter honestly, idk now-

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