Chapter Eleven

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The next morning, I awoke to breakfast in bed.  Lisa had just woken up, and was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.  We looked at each other in confusion, as the maids brought in a buffet for us.  Larry followed behind them with the drinks in his hands.  "You guys had a rough night," he says, as if that explained the buffet on my sheets.  Lisa just stared at the food, her eyes misting.  I wanted to comfort her, but didn't because then she wouldn't be able to get over the death, and would always cry.  She needed to learn how to suck it up, even though that sounds mean, it's the best thing for her.  "Eat up," I say, pushing some eggs on her plate.  She nods, then starts to slowly eat the food.  I ruffle her hair, and say, "It's going to be alright." She looks at me with her tears spilling.  I pull her into a hug and she sighs, "I love you Jane."

                I have absolutely no idea what to wear to see the Council.  "How about this?" Larry says holding out an outfit.  It's a white dress with purple and pink flowered print that cinched at the waist in a white sash.  I put it on, along with black Jimmy Choo high heels, and got a white purse to go along with it. I put my hair back into a loose bun, leaving tendrils of hair surround my face. 

                I decide to take Lisa with me to Germany, because I sure as hell didn't want her staying here alone.  She was wearing a lavender skirt along with a pearl laced top and red lipstick.  Her blonde hair was pulled into a half ponytail.  "Ready?" I ask, holding my hand out.  She nods and takes it. 

                We meet Larry in the foyer before my room.  He's lounging around in loose jeans and a white undershirt.  "I guess we'll see you later?" I ask, looking up at him once he stands up.  He nods and then pulls me into a long hug.  I fold my arms around his neck as he says, "Please be careful."

                There is a note waiting for us in the hotel that we are staying in.  Opening it, Lisa reads aloud, "Dear queen and princess, the meeting in which you would do great help to attend, will be held in our castle located in Potsdam.  If you could be there by 10:00, it would be greatly appreciated.  Until then, have a fun time in Germany! Sincerely, the Council."  She puts the card down on the table.  I nod, and head to take a shower, "You should get some rest, because it looks like we are going to have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," I say, unzipping my dress.  "Kay," she says, lying down on the bed. 

                The next morning, it is raining.  I hope that this isn't a bad omen, like one of dying or anything.  "What should I wear!?" Lisa exclaims going through her clothes, finding nothing suitable for rain.  I too, cannot find anything proper to wear in front of the Council that would survive rain.  "I guess we're going to have to go shopping," I say, checking the time.  We have about four hours before we have to go to the meeting.

                We go to one of the boutiques in Charlottenburg, and find pretty rain resistant outfits.  I get a red dress with ruffles on the sleeves and a sash at the waist.  Then I put on a long white raincoat that also sashes at the waist.  I put on black tights underneath and some red Prada shoes that have little cute buckles.  I put my hair back in a chignon, and then put some lip gloss on, along with smoky eyes.  My purse was black, and over sized.  Lisa was wearing black slacks with a tight striped black and white shirt on top along with a yellow raincoat that had big black buttons and a black sash also.  She put on her black leather rain boots that she bought at the store along with her black scarf.  "We look presentable," she says, staring at herself in the mirror.  "We look beautiful," I say, bump her with my hip so we can share the mirror.

                "I really hope they don't kill us," she mumbles as we ride in the limo to Potsdam.  "They won't kill us," I say, grabbing her hands.  They wouldn't dare kill us, because they don't even know how to fight.  Also it might help that I've got knives hidden everywhere in my outfit.  That is exactly why I love dresses, because you can hide anything you want in them.  "That's what dad said," she whispers, taking her hand away from mine.  I want to comfort her, but know it will be useless.

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