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So I don't usually do author's notes, but I figured that it was time since I'm starting to get a lot of new readers. This was my first book that I put out so I want to revise the whole thing completely but people seem to like it for the most part so if I do choose to revive it then I'll still leave this one up.

I just feel that I didn't get to cover everything that I wanted to cover and I dragged the plot a bit and I changed a few things just to have a chapter out there even when I wasn't feeling it and It was just sloppy.

With that being said though I still would like to do a sequel but I don't know whether I want to do it with the alternative ending or another ending that I have in mind which will be up later (idk when but later) and I want to do some bonus chapters because I had a few things in mind.

Anything that y'all would like to see?

Also Dallas' will be getting a book because I feel like he needs closure that I just wasn't able to give him because originally he actually wasn't supposed to be that big of a character but I fell in love with him then the love increased when I made him a mini back story so that's definitely a go and I have a sneak peek into that in my preview book under Loved. It touches on racism a bit because his mother did marry a black man the second time around and his dad and dad's grandmother (I accidentally said her mom though in the preview) is racist. The shit will make you mad not going to lie.

Anyway, I would like to know what I can improve on along with if you want a revised version or sequel to this and any bonus chapter suggestions.

Until then lovelies😘

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