Chapter 7 ( Mono POV)

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"Right then, let's see" I said while looking for a way out, I saw a door! 'Our lucky day I guess' I thought to myself. Me and seven walked up to the door, I started to think about if we could both even open it. From the corner of my eye I saw him pointing to something? I looked over to him and then his hand, he was pointing to a key lock. Well I must be blind because I never saw it, " we need a key, well then let's start looking!" I said. I don't know why but I had the instinct to grab his hand, so I did. We walked around looking for a key, which seemed like hours, but in reality it was probably just around 20 minutes. I got frustrated, "GAHHHH, WHERE IS THAT KEY!!" I shouted in frustration, I kept on yelling until something pulled me. I looked over to see what had dragged me, it was Seven, of course after all we were holding hands. He all of sudden stopped which kinda caught me off guard, but besides that he pointed to something above us? I looked to see a string like hook? I let a small gasp escape my lips, "Seven!, you're a genius!!" I shouted. I let go and attempted to jump up to reach the hook. I couldn't reach it, before I could say something. Seven walked in front of me. He put his hands in a cupped motion while kneeling down a bit, for some reason I could understand what he wanted me to do. I put one foot on his cupped hands and my other foot on his shoulder. "On three" I said, he just nodded, "1....2..." I paused for a second, " 3!" I shouted. At the same time I jumped he boosted me, which was enough for me to be able to reach the hook. Sadly my weight wasn't enough for the string and hook to come down. But luckily Seven jumped up and held on to my leg. Both of our weights seemed to be enough for a ladder to come straight down, along with two shoes. It startled me so I let go of the accident, I closed my eyes embracing myself for impact. But instead of hitting something hard, I landed on something quite soft.

Authors note!! yay I posted three chapters today? I think um ill see if i can post more later

Word count: 412

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