~Chapter 1~

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Dark...Very..Very..Dark. That's the only way Dream could explain the room he was in. His vision is becoming more and more blurry. He can barely make out what's the door and what's the wall...

Cold.. It's freezing cold.. Nothing to keep him warm except the cape techno gave him before leaving...That was a month ago, Or...Was it more then that? How long has it been? To Dream it feels like it's been an eternity.

-Dreams POV-

I punched the clock my vision is getting worse so i've had to rely on my hearing... And after a while of not seeing much and just hearing that STUPID CLOCK...Ahem... I've had enough of it...It's too blurry to even figure out what time is was anyways...
so what's the point in the constant noise? It was probably driving me insane faster... I haven't had human contact in so long... I have my blob and Patches who I had to resurrect thanks to Tommy...That asshole... The only person that ever comes here is Quackity to 'Teach me lessons' and 'not letting me forget my mistakes' Which in truth is just torture.

They took my mask away I don't see the point in that. What am I gonna do with it?! Kill someone with it? 'Ugh.' I stood up with what remaining strength I have. I have this horrible stinging all over my body. 'This sucks...This is worse then anything I have done..' Dream thought as he leaned against the wall 'The only reason i'm in here is because they are scared of me! When literally all of them have done the things i've done!' I hit my head against the wall a few times and it started to bleed.

As I paced through my cell i realize the worst pain is in my foot.. 'I must have twisted it trying to get away from Quackity...' But knowing i've gone through worse than that so... I just ignored it.

'Weak...' 'Pathetic..' 'Monster.' 'Traitor' 'Manipulator' 'Devil!' ARGH! I grabbed my hair and pulled my hair, 'I SWEAR IM GOING INSANE! AND THEY ARE JUST OUT THERE HAVING FUN AND PLAYING AROUND WHEN THIS STUPID SERVER IS LITERALLY GONNA END!' I've known about the egg for a bit know. I get information my blob and Patches, These people are literal Idiots. How has Tubbo and Fundy not found out it's from a stupid dreamon? The egg was literally found in the only place they could build where dreamons can't go.

-With Ranboo Techno and Philza-

-3rd person POV-

"So...You brought me here..To ask for help, With breaking out the man that literally manipulated your brother and almost all the other minors?" Ranboo looked at the two in front of him in disbelief. "Listen he had his reasons for doing everything that I can't share without him here." Techno said calmly in his natural monotone voice. "And technically a lot of other people have manipulated and murdered to be fair." Phil nodded his head in what could be assumed as agreement. Chuckling a bit at the second part of what he said. "I've known him since he was young! He was a good kid." Phil smiled "Very protective of those who don't betray him. Kinda like Techno!" Techno glared at Phil "Only he's too gullible and gives people too many chances." Techno sneered.

"And why don't you get Gho-Wilbur to help?" Ranboo questioned "Oh he is! He's getting supplies right now" Phil stated happily, Techno just laid back in his chair. "Okay... And what would I get in return for helping...Him" Techno laughed "I mean Dream is really into those favours! Maybe you'll get a favour from him like I owe him a one" Phil's wings ruffled a bit "It would probably be a start on getting his trust too!" He spread his wings out a bit to show his excitement and he smiled.

Ranboo looked like he was just gonna decline and leave but then he said "Fine." Which made Phil and Techno to look at him happy but also surprised. Phil showed much more emotion then Techno but it was still there. And so They got to work planning how to get Dream out of Prison!

~One week Later~
-With Dream-

Dream woke up to pitch black.. He couldn't see a thing He thought that 'Maybe the lights in here went out...' He didn't realize that they went out months ago...He didn't realize that the reason everything was so blurry was not because He was sick, Or from him crying, Or even from him starting to go insane...

It was because his eyes couldn't find any light for months which has caused them to just shut down... Dream didn't have any mirrors in the basement cell... So he couldnt tell that his bright green eyes had been dulling for a while now.. a white colour coating over them. What used to be a vibrant emerald green into a very pale light greenish colour. He wasn't able to see how pale his skin has gotten from not being in sunlight for so long. He's not able to see how matted and unkept his hair had gotten. He can't see that wings looked like they had been through hell. He hasnt realized that he will never be able to see what he looks like again...

He can't even remember what he looks like after so long. All he knew was he had bright -But now dirty with blood and grease- blonde hair...And scars. Dream stood up very slowly to not fall, He took one step forward but made sure not to put all his weight down.. He knew that his blob was on his head, But he wasn't sure where Patches was...

That was until Patches meowed somehow knowing what was wrong with Dream. He knew that the meow came from behind him so he turned around and walked to the noise she meowed again when Dream was right in front of her, Dream bent down and picked her up. "Hey girl..." He smiled and pet her head. "You need to leave so you can eat and you gotta bring blob..." Dream whispered his voice was raspy from only talking to his two pets..

Dream put Patches back onto the ground then grabbed blob off his head and felt around to find Patches and put it on top of her back. Dream smiled in the general direction of the cat. Then he felt his way to the wall and sat back down in a corner, and out his head in his hands. He heard the sound of the cat walking away. Dream sighed happily, He was happy that his cat listened to him and is going to eat something other then raw potatoes. He can deal with eating potatoes everyday, but Dream knows that should not be Patches or blobs diet.

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