~Chapter 3~

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"Philza Minecraft." Sam spoke darkly as he looked at me sitting in the kitchen. "I had heard a rumour you lot were responsible for Dreams disappearance." He had a smirk on his face. "But isn't this all because of the favour? why keep him around? unless you had another motive." At that the sound of a chair being pushed out filled the room, and Technos heavy footsteps led to the front door leaving Dream and Ranboo at the table pretending not to listen.

"Whatever your motive is, I need the prisoner back. My job. Is to keep the server safe from him. And to keep him locked up."

Ranboo and Dream walked over, It was better then sitting in front of the food that made his head spin.

"Hes not going anywhere with you...."Phil stood infront of Dream with his wing, and Techno quickly grabbed Dreams waist pulling the male to his chest. The sudden movement caused Dream to panic, He had no clue what was going on.. All he knew was Sam was here to bring him back to the cell he was tortured, where he almost lost his mind...And where he had very certainly lost his vision. "Techno...?" "Who else has pink hair like mine?" Techno taunted and chuckled right next to Dreams ear causing the man to shiver.

Dreams POV

Right...Techno has pink hair. Like...bubblegum! I reached my hand up and played with the ends of Technos hair, He always kept it so soft and kept good care of it. Unlike Dreams mop on top of his head.. Even before wars Techno made sure his hair was braided and wouldnt get in the way. I could hear Phil and Sam talking. But my mind wouldnt let me concentrate on what they were saying. Almost like it didnt want me to know my own fate. My body seemed to know what was happening.. cus it wouldnt stop shaking. Phil started yelling and I felt my whole body flinch, I could tell Techno felt it too cus he pulled me closer and started running his fingers through my hair with a considerable amount of trouble due to the mats in my hair, and making sure he didnt touch any cuts.

"Cant we.. Can't we just make some sort of deal?!" I heard Sam grunt in response. "what kind of deal.?" Sams voice was filled with hate, most of it probably directed to me. I felt eyes on me but... I dont know who it was "hmm..." The sound of a foot tapping on the floor filled my ears, luckily it was quiet but it scared me at first still. The next thing I heard was mumbling.. Hugging Techno I could feel how he tensed as he listened to the conversation i was tuning out.

Phil's POV

"Dream.. He will stay here. He is hurt and sick. And just not mentally okay!" I raised my voice trying to get my point across. "So he will stay, we will try to help him. and keep him out of trouble. But if he starts something. then you can..." I gulped not wanting to say the next thing making it real. "You can take him back." I winced thinking that. There was a low growl from the man standing in behind me. I let myself glance and saw Techno tightening his grip on Dream. I had to silently scold to be careful with the injured escaped prisoner.

"why should I agree with that?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "benefits you in a way? You don't have to sit at that dark prison 24/7." I shrugged my shoulders. "but.. you want to take care of him..?" I nodded my head and crossed my arms. God this man is stubborn. "There will be surprise visits." Sam grunts out. as the male with green hair huffs out a breath. "Either from me, One or two of the guards. Or Quackity." he turns and walked out the door. finally I'm able to let out a sigh of relief. One thing running through my head that surprised me a fair amount was why would Quackity come check up? He wasn't a guard and didn't work in the prison... I stood at the door until I knew the prison warden was off the property then closing the door.

"Alright what do you say we finish eating!"


Dream made a disgusted face at the thought of eating the potatoes.

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